Sharp, Dennis, 1933-2010, author.
Connell Ward and Lucas : Modern movement architects in England 1929-1939 / Dennis Sharp, Sally Rendel.
1st Frances Lincoln edition.
London : Frances Lincoln, 2008.
224 pages : illustrations (some color), plans ; 31 cm
"Connell Ward and Lucas were seen by some as irritants on the British architectural scene of the 1930s - a scene largely the province of traditionalists, class snobberies and latent xenophobia. They ruffled the feathers of the architectural establishment and poured scorn on the ignorant and restrictive practices of the planners. They even infuriated their MARS Group colleagues. Never deviating from their beliefs in Corbusian principles, they produced the most authentic modern buildings of the period, many of which now have iconic significance." "This book is the first major monograph on Connell Ward and Lucas and the result of many years of research and study. It puts the work of the trio into the context of the times and incorporates unique material obtained from their colleagues, friends and relatives as well as contemporary and newly commissioned photographs, original drawings and authoritative statements by all three partners."--BOOK JACKET.
9780711227682 (hardback)
0711227683 (hardback)
Connell, Amyas, 1901-1980.
Ward, Basil, 1902-1976.
Lucas, Colin.
Lucas, Colin, 1906-1988.
Connell, Ward and Lucas.
Modern movement (Architecture) Great Britain.
Mouvement moderne (Architecture) Grande-Bretagne.
Modern movement (Architecture)
Great Britain
Rendel, Sally, author.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 261009
Cote: BIB 191969
Statut: Disponible
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