Herwig, Oliver.
Universal design : solutions for a barrier-free living / Oliver Herwig.
Basel ; Boston : Birkhäuser, 2008.
175 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 26 cm
"Simple, clear, intelligent: the demographic shift brought on by modernity called for and facilitated a new understanding of design. The most critical and social stratum with the most money to spend, the "50+" generation, expects new standards in design and architecture that merge aesthetics, ergonomics, comfort, and bold lines. This is no longer about specific solutions for the few, but about making life comfortable for all: clear menus, spacious rooms and sizeable objects that are easy to use." "Oliver Herwig's book provides design-related and socially conscious answers for designers and architects, for decision-makers and companies, for everyone interested in addressing the needs of this discerning target group on a long-term basis. It examines the personal situation of an ever-aging generation from head to toe and introduces design strategies, product innovations, and architectural solutions for a barrier-free world, which would benefit everyone."--Jacket.
9783764387181 (hbk.)
3764387181 (hbk.)
Barrier-free design for older people.
Industrial design Social aspects.
Older consumers.
Architecture et personnes âgées.
Design Aspect social.
Consommateurs âgés.
Industriedesign Alter Alltag Geschichte 2000-2008.
Alter Alltag Industriedesign Geschichte 2000-2008.
Alltag Alter Industriedesign Geschichte 2000-2008.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 259154
Cote: BIB 190017
Statut: Disponible
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