New topographical atlas and gazetteer of Indiana : comprising a topographical view of the several counties of the state, together with a railroad map of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois ; an alphabetical gazetteer, giving a concise description and the location of cities, villages, post offices, railroad stations, landings, etc., and a brief history of Indiana, including a fine copper-plate railroad map of the United States and territories, drawn on the polyconic projection, expressly for this work ; compiled from the latest astronomical observations, official surveys and records of the United States and territories, and the several states, as well as from counties, towns, and personal observations.
New York : Asher, Adams & Higgins, 1870-1871.
59 pages : color maps ; 46 cm
Localisation: Bibliothèque main m 63685
Cote: WM8189; ID:85-B841
Statut: Disponible
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