Prokopovych, Markian, 1972-
Habsburg Lemberg : architecture, public space, and politics in the Galician capital, 1772-1914 / Markian Prokopovych.
West Lafayette, Ind. : Purdue University Press, ©2009.
xvi, 357 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm.
Central European studies
"This book reveals that behind a variety of national and positivist historical narratives of Lemberg - and of its architecture - there always existed a city that was labeled "cosmopolitan" yet "provincial" and a Vienna, but still "of the East." Buildings, streets, parts, and monuments became part and parcel of a complex set of culturally driven politics. Modern architecture was an attractive tool used by diverse individuals and institutions to justify certain political endeavors and aspirations that appealed not only to a select political elite, but also to the broader public."--Jacket.
9781557535108 (pbk.)
1557535108 (pbk.)
Nationalism and architecture Ukraine Lʹviv.
Architecture Political aspects Ukraine Lʹviv.
Architecture and society Ukraine Lʹviv.
City planning Ukraine Lʹviv.
Nationalisme et architecture Ukraine Lvov.
Architecture et société Ukraine Lvov.
Architecture and society.
Architecture Political aspects.
City planning.
Nationalism and architecture.
Art, Architecture & Applied Arts.
Arkitektur historia Ukraina Lviv.
Arkitektur och samhälle historia Ukraina Lviv.
Lʹviv (Ukraine) Buildings, structures, etc.
Ukraine Lʹviv.
Architecture Political aspects Ukraine Lviv
Architecture and society Ukraine Lviv
City planning Ukraine Lviv
L'viv (Ukraine) Buildings, structures, etc
Nationalism and architecture Ukraine Lviv
Central European studies.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 263383
Cote: BIB 194549
Statut: Disponible
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