Fletcher, Banister, 1833-1899.
Light and air; a text-book in tabulated form for architects, surveyors & others, showing what constitutes ancient light; how the right is acquired, jeopardised, or lost; injuries without remedy; the relative position of servient and dominant owners; and methods of estimating injuries, with outline of matters to remember in preparing for the trial and also full reports and digests of ruling cases, by the late Professor Banister Fletcher ...
5th ed., rev. by Banister F. Fletcher ... and H. Phillips Fletcher ... with numerous diagrams on twenty-seven plates.
London, B.T. Batsford, 1908.
xiv, 146 pages 27 plates (some color ; including plans) 19 cm
Light and air (Easement)
Building laws Great Britain.
Building laws.
Great Britain.
Fletcher, Banister, Sir, 1866-1953, editor.
Fletcher, H. Phillips (Herbert Phillips), 1872-1916, editor.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 73394
Cote: W2730; ID:86-B12375
Statut: Disponible
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