Heavy light : recent photography and video from Japan / Christopher Philips, Noriko Fuku ; with a contribution by Linda Nochlin.
Entrée principale:

Phillips, Christopher (Christopher Joel), 1950-

Titre et auteur:

Heavy light : recent photography and video from Japan / Christopher Philips, Noriko Fuku ; with a contribution by Linda Nochlin.


1st ed.


New York : International Center of Photography ; Göttingen : Steidl, 2008.


310 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 21 x 21 cm

"Makoto Aida, Naoya Hataketama, Naoki Kajitani, Hiroh Kikai, Midori Komatsubara, Yukio Nakagawa, Asako Narahashi, Tsuyoshi Ozawa, Tomoko Sawada, Risaku Suzuki, Miwa Yanagi, Kenji Yanobe, Masayuki Yoshinaga"--Page 4 of cover.
Includes bibliographical references.
"terminally neurotic delicacy" / Makoto Aida -- "cross-examined by the photographs I take" / Naoya Hatakeyama -- "this is Japan" / Naoki Kajitani -- "tripping the shutter is a bit like sumo wrestling" / Hiroh Kikai -- "a rather girlie double standard" / Midori Komatsubara -- "a flower is mystic mountain" / Yukio Nakagawa -- "walking with my eyes deliberately out of focus" / Asako Narahashi -- "soy sauce was my true calling" / Tsuyoshi Ozawa -- "self-portraiture is fundamentally about disguise" / Tomoko Sawada -- "the phantom state" / Risaku Suzuki -- "a supremely comfortable place to be" / Miwa Yanagi -- Black, white, and uncanny : Miwa Yanagi's Fairy tale / Linda Nochlin -- "a time machine to the end of the future" / Kenji Yanobe -- "the best oyakoko I can offer" / Masayuki Yoshinaga.

Published in conjunction with an exhibition organized for the International Center of Photography, New York, and held there May 15-Sept. 7, 2008.

Table of contents

9783865216236 (pbk.)
3865216234 (pbk.)


Aida, Makoto, 1965-
Hatakeyama, Naoya, 1958-
Kajitani, Naoki, 1970-
Kikai, Hiroh, 1945-
Komatsubara, Midori, 1965-
Nakagawa, Yukio, 1918-
Narahashi, Asako, 1959-
Ozawa, Tsuyoshi, 1965-
Sawada, Tomoko, 1977-
Suzuki, Risaku, 1963-
Yanagi, Miwa, 1967-
Yanobe, Kenji, 1965-
Yoshinaga, Masayuki, 1964-
Nakagawa, Yukio, 1918-2012.
Photography Japan History 21st century Exhibitions.
Video art Japan 21st century Exhibitions.
Photography, Artistic Exhibitions.
Art vidéo Japon 21e siècle Expositions.
Photographie artistique Expositions.
21.42 history of photographic art.
21.99 other art forms.
Photography Japan Exhibitions.
Photography, Artistic
Video art
Fotokonst Japan utställningskataloger.


Exhibition catalogs

Vedettes secondaires:

Fuku, Noriko.
Nochlin, Linda.
International Center of Photography.

Recent photography and video from Japan


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 258063
Cote: TR105 .P45 2008
Statut: Disponible


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