Trüby, Stephan.
Exit-architecture : design between war and peace / Stephan Trüby ; with a foreword by Heiner Mühlmann and a project by Exit Ltd. ; translated from the German by Robert Payne.
Wien ; New York : Springer, ©2008.
113 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 21 cm
"First we shape things, then they shape us", was Churchill's view. What kind of architecture can be said to shape? Who does it shape? And by what means does it shape? The author's answers to these questions are a surprise. Through war and proximity to stress. After a tour d'horizon through Roman temples, Washington's corridors of power and Mecca's anti-panic architecture it becomes clear that architecture is anything but in the background. Instead it is situated in the hot spot of transmission dynamics and is capable of altering cultures, empires and even religions
9783211779699 (English edition ; pbk.)
3211779698 (English edition ; pbk.)
Architecture and society History.
Architecture and society.
Architecture Political aspects.
Architecture et société Histoire.
Architecture et société.
Architecture Aspect politique.
TRACE (Springer (Firm))
Design between war and peace
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 257476
Cote: BIB 187973
Statut: Disponible
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