Expanding architecture : design as activism / edited by Bryan Bell and Katie Wakeford ; foreword by Thomas Fisher.
Titre et auteur:

Expanding architecture : design as activism / edited by Bryan Bell and Katie Wakeford ; foreword by Thomas Fisher.


New York : Metropolis Books, ©2008.


287 pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color) ; 23 cm

Foreword : Public-interest architecture: a needed and inevitable change / Thomas Fisher -- Preface : Expanding design toward greater relevance / Bryan Bell -- Introduction : An architecture of change / José L.S. Gámez and Susan Rogers -- [I.] Social, economic, and environmental design : The architectural bat-signal: exploring the relationship between justice and design / Barbara B. Wilson -- Toward a humane environment: sustainable design and social justice / Lance Hosey -- El programa de vivienda ecológica: building the capacity of Yaqui women to help themselves / Sergio Palleroni and Mónica Escobedo Fuentes -- Unbearable lightness / Deborah Gans -- [II.] Participatory design : The creek that connects it all: participatory planning in a Taiwanese mountain village / Chia-Ning Yang and Hsu-Jen Kao -- Growing urban habitats: a local housing crisis spawns a new design center / Katie Swenson -- Traditions, transformation, and community design: the making of two Ta'u houses / Jeffrey Hou -- Claiming public space: the case for proactive, democratic design / Peter Aeschbacher and Michael Rios -- [III.] Public-interest architecture : Mobilizing mainstream professional to work for the public good / John Peterson -- The community design collaborative: a volunteer-based community design center serving greater Philadelphia / Darl Rastorfer -- Invisible Zagreb / Damir Blažević -- cityworksLosAngeles: making differences, big or small / Elizabeth Martin and Leslie Thomas -- [IV.] Asset-based approaches : Designing with an asset-based approach / Amanda Hendler-Voss and Seth Hendler-Voss -- COmmunication through inquiry / Sean Donahue -- Designing infrastructure / designing cities / Ryan Gravel -- [v.] Housing for the 98% : Mainstreaming good design in affordable housing: strategies, obstacles, and benefits / Kathleen Dorgan and Deane Evans -- Architectural alchemy / Eric Naslund and John Sheehan -- Competition, collaboration, and construction with Habitat for Humanity / Erik van Mehlman -- Architecture and social change: the struggle for affordable housing in Oakland's uptown project / Alex Salazar -- [VI.] Prefabricating affordability : Migrant housing / Laura Shipman -- Market modular / Gregory Herman -- ecoMOD: exploring social and environmental justice through prefabrication / John Quale -- Out of the box: design innovations in manufactured housing / Roberta M. Feldman -- [VII.] Meshing with market forces : Finding balance: how to be an architect, an environmentalist, and a developer / Russel Katz -- Propositions for a new suburbanism / Gail Peter Borden -- Archepreneurs / Chris Krager -- [VIII.] The transformative power of architectural education : Building a consensus in design/build studios -- Teaching cooperation / Amanda Schachter -- Enhancing family and community through interdisciplinary design / Samina Quraeshi -- Building sustainable communities and building citizens / Sergio Palleroni.

Questioning how design can improve daily lives, more than thirty essays by practicing architects and designers, urban and community planners, historians, landscape architects and environmental designers illuminate an emerging geography of architectural activism and suggest the many ways that design can address issues of social justice.

Table of contents

9781933045788 (pbk.)
1933045787 (pbk.)


Architecture and society.
Architects and community.
Architecture et société.
Relations architectes-collectivité.
Öffentliches Interesse

Vedettes secondaires:

Bell, Bryan, 1959-
Wakeford, Katie.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 259880
Cote: BIB 190797
Statut: Disponible


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