Experimental architecture in Los Angeles / introduction by Frank Gehry ; essays by Aaron Betsky, John Chase, and Leon Whiteson ; Los Angeles Forum for Architecture and Urban Design.
New York : Rizzoli, 1991.
160 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 29 cm
Experimental Architecture in Los Angeles presents, for the first time, the recent work of twenty-two of the most innovative, creative, and challenging young architects on the West Coast of the United States. Each architect, in one way or another, is the spiritual child of Frank Gehry and of the second generation of California architects, such as Morphosis and Eric Owen Moss, who followed in his footsteps. Gehry expresses his support for this third generation of.
Architects in his introduction to this volume. Each architect or firm--among them Michele Saee, AKS Runo, Josh Schweitzer, Guthrie + Buresh, Koning Eizenberg, and COA--is presented in an individual chapter with lavish illustrations accompanied by a brief outline and analysis of the work. Three critical essays, each addressing a different aspect of these architects' relationship to the West Coast, and to Los Angeles in particular, make this volume an indispensable guide.
To the latest developments in one of architecture's most exciting centers of activity.
0847814246 (HC)
9780847814244 (HC)
084781338X (PB)
9780847813384 (PB)
Gehry, Frank O., 1929- Influence.
Architecture California Los Angeles History.
Avant-garde (Aesthetics) California Los Angeles History 20th century.
Architecture California Los Angeles 20th century.
Los Angeles (Calif.) Buildings, structures, etc.
Architecture Californie Los Angeles 20e siècle.
Architecture Californie Los Angeles Histoire.
Avant-garde (Aesthetics)
Los Angeles (Calif.) Constructions.
California Los Angeles
Los Angeles, Calif.
Betsky, Aaron.
Chase, John, 1953-
Whiteson, Leon.
Los Angeles Forum for Architecture and Urban Design.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 73779
Cote: ID PLS; ID:92-B1829
Statut: Disponible
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