Medieval architecture, medieval learning : builders and masters in the age of Romanesque and Gothic / Charles M. Radding and William W. Clark.
Entrée principale:

Radding, Charles M., author.

Titre et auteur:

Medieval architecture, medieval learning : builders and masters in the age of Romanesque and Gothic / Charles M. Radding and William W. Clark.


New Haven : Yale University Press, ©1992.


xiii, 166 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 151-164) and index.
[Table of Contents] -- List of Texts -- List of Illustrations -- Abbreviations -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction: Art History as Intellectual History -- Disciplines -- Cognition -- PART I. The Eleventh Century -- 1. Beginnings -- 2. Masters -- The Debate over the Eucharist -- 1070-1100 -- Anselm of Laon and William of Champeaux -- 3. Builders -- Unity and Diversity in Romanesque Architecture -- An Example: Saint-Sernin of Toulouse -- Variations -- Romanesque Sculpture -- PART II. Four Crucial Decades -- 4. Transformations: Abelard and Saint-Denis -- Abelard and the Early Parisian Schools -- Saint-Denis -- PART III. The Later Twelfth Century -- 5. An Age of Experiment -- 6. Learning and the Schools in the Later Twelfth Century -- Scholae to Studium -- Curriculum -- 7. The First Half-Century of Gothic -- The Community of Builders -- Saint-Denis to Chartres -- Conclusion -- Bibliography -- Index.

The eleventh and twelfth centuries witnessed a thoroughgoing transformation of European culture, as new ways of thinking revitalized every aspect of human endeavor, from architecture and the visual arts to history, philosophy, theology, and even law. In this book Charles M. Radding and William W. Clark offer fresh perspectives on changes in architecture and learning at three moments in time. Unlike previous studies, including Erwin Panofsky's classic essay Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism, Radding and Clark's book not only compares buildings and treatises but argues that the ways of thinking and the ways of solving problems were analogous. The authors trace the professional contexts and creative activities of builders and masters from the creation of the Romanesque to the achievements of the Gothic and, in the process, establish new criteria for defining each. During the eleventh and early twelfth centuries, they argue, both intellectual treatises and Romanesque architecture reveal a growing mastery of a body of relevant expertise and the expanding techniques by which that knowledge could be applied to problems of reasoning and building. In the twelfth century, new intellectual directions, set by such specialists as Peter Abelard and the second master builder working at Saint-Denis, began to shape new systems of thinking based on a coherent view of the world. By the thirteenth century these became the standards by which all practitioners of a discipline were measured. The great ages of scholastic learning and of Gothic architecture are some of the results of this experimentation. At each stage Radding and Clark take the reader into the workshops and centers of study to examine the methods used by builders and masters to create the artistic and intellectual works for which the Middle Ages are justly famous. Handsomely illustrated and clearly written, this book will be of great interest to scholars and students of medieval art, culture, philosophy, history, intellectual history, and the history of technology.

Table of contents

0300049188 (alkaline paper)
9780300049183 (alkaline paper)


Architecture, Romanesque.
Architecture, Gothic.
Learning and scholarship History Medieval, 500-1500.
Architecture Philosophy.
Architecture, Medieval.
Church architecture Europe History.
Philosophy, Medieval.
Architecture romane.
Architecture gothique.
Architecture Philosophie.
Savoir et érudition Histoire 500-1500 (Moyen Âge)
Architecture médiévale.
Architecture chrétienne Europe Histoire.
Philosophie médiévale.
architectural theory.
Church architecture
Learning and scholarship Medieval
Architecture Romanesque style
Architecture Gothic style



Vedettes secondaires:

Clark, William W., 1940- author.

Builders and masters in the age of Romanesque and Gothic


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 72212
Cote: ID:92-B1108
Statut: Disponible


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