New York, N. Why? / photographs by Rudolf Burckhardt ; poems by Edwin Denby.
[Portland, OR?] : Nazraeli Press ; New York : in association with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, ©2008.
1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations ; 29 x 33 cm
"This remarkable album is a collaboration between Rudy Burckhardt, one of the great New York photographers of the 1930s and 40s, and his companion and lifelong friend, the poet and dance critic Edwin Denby. Previously unpublished, and reproduced here in facsimile, New York, N. Why? is a unique, handmade book containing 67 photographs and seven sonnets. Now in the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, it contains many of Burckhardt's best-known images, dazzlingly sequenced into three urban themes: advertising, pedestrians, and street furniture. The photographer and poet met in Basel, Switzerland in 1934 and moved the following year to New York. There, the Burckhardt instinctively sought out what others overlooked -- the abstract modernist tableaux of fire hydrants, standpipes, cornices, and columns; the readymade collage of newsstands and storefronts; and the complex choreography of pedestrians darting and weaving through crowded intersections. An accompanying essay by Doug Eklund, Associate Curator in the Department of Photographs ... examines the album in relation to Burckhardt's contemporaneous films, Denby's pioneering writing on dance from the same moment, and the origins of the New York School in painting, photography, and poetry"--Publisher's website
Burckhardt, Rudy.
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.) Photograph collections Catalogs.
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.)
Photography, Artistic.
Photograph collections New York (State) New York.
Photographie artistique.
Collections de photographies New York (État) New York.
art photography.
Photograph collections
New York (N.Y.) Pictorial works.
New York (N.Y.) Poetry.
New York (N.Y.) Ouvrages illustrés.
New York (N.Y.) Poèsie.
New York (State) New York
catalogs (documents)
Pictorial works
Denby, Edwin, 1903-1983.
Burckhardt, Rudy.
Eklund, Douglas. Pursuit of happiness, Rudy Burckhardt's New York, 1935-1940.
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.)
Pursuit of happiness, Rudy Burckhardt's New York, 1935-1940.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main m 263064
Cote: BIB 194168
Statut: Disponible
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