Boston Society of Architects.
Catalogue of the architectural exhibition held in the new public library building, October 28 to November 4, inclusive, in conjunction with the annual convention of the American Institute of Architects, and under the direction of the Boston Society of Architects and the Boston Architectural Club.
Boston : [publisher not identified], 1891.
39 pages, 51 pages of plates (1 folded) : illustrations
Architecture Exhibitions.
Architecture Massachusetts Boston Exhibitions.
Architecture Expositions.
Architecture Massachusetts Boston Expositions.
Massachusetts Boston
Exhibition catalogs
Boston Architectural Club.
American architectural books ; reel 13, no. 198.
Boston architectural exhibition, illustrated catalogue, October, 1891
Localisation: Bibliothèque study room microform
Cote: W.B675c ID87B7159s13 MFM; ID:96-S269
Statut: Disponible
Localisation: Bibliothèque study room microform 124074
Cote: W.B675c ID87B7159s13 MFM; ID:96-S269
Exemplaire: 1891
Statut: Disponible
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