Shadow and substance : essays on the history of photography in honor of Heinz K. Henisch / edited by Kathleen Collins.
Titre et auteur:

Shadow and substance : essays on the history of photography in honor of Heinz K. Henisch / edited by Kathleen Collins.


1st ed.


Bloomfield Hills, Mich., U.S.A. : Amorphous Institute Press, 1990.


x, 361 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm

Spine title: Shadow & substance.
Includes bibliographical references.
The tributes: The Phenomenon of Henisch: An Introduction to Das Ubermenschlichkeit / Estelle Jussim -- Heinz K. Henisch and the History of Photography at The Pennsylvania State University / Hellmut Hager -- Amorfosode to H.H. with Love / Felicity Ashbee -- Greetings from Germany / Bernd Lohse -- William Culp Darrah -- A Remembrance / Jay Ruby -- Essays on the history of photography: James David Forbes and the Early History of Photography / Graham Smith -- Fox Talbot's Original Iron Copper Press / Robert E. Lassam -- Ivan Szabo: A Hungarian Photographer in Scotland / Julie Lawson -- An Early Picture Narrative by D.O. Hill and Robert Adamson / Ralph Harley -- The Enigma of Dougan 105 / Ray McKenzie -- Hans Thoger Winther: A Norwegian Pioneer in Photography / Robert Meyer -- "A Truth that Art Cannot Achieve: The Scientific Environment in Venice and the First Inquiries into Photography (1839-1846) / Paolo Costantini -- Lerebours' Excursions Daguerriennes and an Early Picture of a Daguerreotypist at Work / Nachum Tim Gidal -- Ford's Fancy 66 Floyd and Marion Rinhart: Art and the American Daguerreotype / Ann Wilsher -- Political Emigration and the Photographic Profession / Juliusz Garztecki -- Russell Sedgfield: His Modus Operandi / Hardwicke Knight -- Nineteenth-Century Women Photographers / William Culp Darrah -- Sons of Vulcan: An Iron Workers Album / Ronald Filippelli and Sandra Stelts -- The Lady Is For Turning / Benjamin Spear -- Photographic Felonies / Ann Wilsher -- The Custodial Photograph / Bernard V. and Pauline F. Heathcote -- Photographs from the Queen / S.F. Spira -- Fugitive Slaves in Canada: Photographic Frontispiece / Kathleen Collins -- Sixty-nine Istanbul Photographers, 1887-1914 / William Allen -- Nadar, Kodak, and the Importance of Being Modest / Rolf H. Krauss -- The Claudets of British Columbia / David Mattison -- Der Karlsbader Strudel / Hans Christian Adam -- Three Gardner Assistants in Texas / W.R. Young, III -- Major General James Waterhouse / G. Thomas -- Felix, Adrien, and Roger Bonfils / Ritchie Thomas -- Francis Frith: The Enterprising Cameraman / Elizabeth Lindquist-Cock -- Francis Frith: A Catalog of Photo-Pictures of Germany / Charles Mann -- Henry Peach Robinson and the Great Hall Studio, Tunbridge Wells / Margaret F. Harker -- Adolphe Braun: Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction / Naomi Rosenblum -- The Grand View in England: Worcester Cathedral from the Southwest / Michael Hallett -- A Quiet Nook for these Practical Days / Lee Fontanella -- Self-portrait Without Mirror / George Mauner -- A bas la Phothographie!!! / Sandra Stelts -- Carl Sternheim's Die Kassette: Photography and Art in the "Heroic Life of the Bourgeoisie" / Ernst Schiirer -- Holidays in Grindelwald / Marianne von Kaenel Mauner -- Thinking about Stieglitz, Once More, With Feeling / Estelle Jussim -- The Salon Club of America and the Popularization of Pictorial Photography / Gillian B. Greenhill Hannum -- The Wheelman and the Snapshooter or, the Industrialization of the Picturesque / Jay Ruby -- Cecil Beaton: Photographer as Courtier / Mark Haworth-Booth -- Offensive Weapons on the Domestic Front / Kathleen Collins -- "Permanent Authentic Records" The Photographs of Edwin Hale Lincoln / Wm. B. Becker -- Photojournalism Around 1900: The Institutionalization of a Mass Medium / Ulrich Keller -- Atrocity Propaganda in the First World War / John Taylor -- News Photography in the News / Steven Joseph and Tristan Schwilden -- About the Birth of the Minox / Peeter Tooming -- "Fearful Catastrophe on the Great Western Railway" / Joan M. Schwartz -- Joseph Zacharia: New Zealand Postcard Photographer / William Main -- Trude Fleischmann: Vienna in the Thirties / Anna Auer -- Moment in the Weed Garden / Ed Leos -- Leland Rice's Photographs of the Berlin Wall Graffiti / Darwin Marable.



Henisch, Heinz K. Festschrift.
Photography History.
Photographie Histoire.


Mélanges (Recueils)

Vedettes secondaires:

Henisch, Heinz K.
Collins, Kathleen, 1947-
Shadow & substance.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 69317
Cote: ID:91-B583
Statut: Disponible


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