Klett, Mark, 1952- photographer.
Revealing territory : photographs of the southwest / by Mark Klett ; essays by Patricia Nelson Limerick and Thomas W. Southall.
First edition.
Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, [1992]
170 pages, 2 folded : illustrations ; 23 x 30 cm
"In this brilliant but strangely unsettling contribution to the field of landscape studies, which accompanies a traveling exhibition, Klett sees people as part of the natural landscape. His photographs (115, five in color) examine the way people have occupied and experienced this land and the evidence they have left of their presence. Patricia Limerick discusses the photographs in light of new definitions of the West, and Thomas Southall traces the evolution of Klett's photography"--Booknews from barnesandnoble.com.
0826313191 (cloth)
9780826313195 (cloth)
0826313205 (paperback)
9780826313201 (paperback)
Landscape photography Southwest, New.
Photographie États-Unis (Nouveau Sud-Ouest) Paysages.
Photographie de paysages États-Unis (Nouveau Sud-Ouest)
Landscape photography
Southwest, New Pictorial works.
Southwest, New Views.
États-Unis (Nouveau Sud-Ouest) Paysages.
États-Unis (Nouveau Sud-Ouest) Ouvrages illustrés.
New Southwest
illustrated books.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Illustrated works
Pictorial works
Ouvrages illustrés.
Catalogues d'exposition.
Southall, Thomas W., 1951- author.
Limerick, Patricia Nelson, 1951- author.
Photographs of the Southwest
Localisation: Bibliothèque main m 72042
Cote: ID:92-B1033
Statut: Disponible
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