Art and the moving image : a critical reader / edited by Tanya Leighton.
Titre et auteur:

Art and the moving image : a critical reader / edited by Tanya Leighton.


London : Tate Pub. : in association with Afterall ; New York : Distributed in the United States and Canada by Harry N. Abrams, 2008.


496 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 482-493) and index.
Preface / Charles Esche -- Introduction / Tanya Leighton -- I, Histories and revisions. Fluxfilms in three false starts / Bruze Jenkins ; Culture : intercom and expanded cinema : a proposal and manifesto / Stan VanDerBeek ; Enclosed by images : the Eameses' multimedia architecture / Beatriz Colomina ; My mind split open : Andy Warhol's exploding plastic inevitable / Branden W. Joseph ; The museum of attractions : Marcel Broodthaers and the Section cinéma / Eric de Bruyn ; Paul Sharits and the active spectator / Federico Windhausen ; Bare lives / Pamela M. Lee ; Leisure 73 / Sabeth Buchmann -- The two avant-gardes / Peter Wollen ; Modes of film practice in the avant-garde / Jonathan Walley -- II, The agonistic relationship between video and television. Hardware : the videosphere / Gene Youngblood ; Video : the aesthetics of narcissism / Rosalind Krauss ; Tale of the tape : Radical software / David Joselit ; Dependent participation : Bruce Naumann's environments / Janet Kraynak ; After the cull / Elizabeth Bennett Hupp ; Live on tape : video, liveness and the immediate / William Kaizen ; The art of the possible : notes about some installations by Harun Farocki / Christa Blümlinger ; Video, flows and real time / Maurizio Lazzarato ; Five years later / Bill Horrigan -- III, From cinema to post-cinema. Deleuze's time, or how the cinematic changes our idea of art / John Rajchman ; Difference and repitition : on Guy Debord's films / Giorgio Agamben ; From movies to moving / Serge Daney ; The time of re-departure : after cinema, the cinema of the subject / Jean-Christophe Royoux ; Dissolution of the frame : immersion and participation in video installations / Ursula Frohne ; Video projection : the space between screens / Liz Kotz ; Siting cinema / Andrew V. Uroskie ; Moving images, moving images / John Kelsey ; Of an other cinema / Raymond Bellour ; The gap between film and installation art / Alexander Alberro ; White cube, black box and grey areas : venues and values / Gregor Stemmrich ; Art and cinema : some critical reflections / Mark Nash ; You never know the whole story : Ute Friederike Jürss and the aesthetics of the heterochronic image / Thomas Y. Levin.

Presenting an array of key texts, this is the first reader to gather together critical reactions to the moving image in contemporary art. It includes seminal historical texts as well as newly commissioned essays from leading art historians, critics, artists, theorists and philosophers.


185437625X (pbk.)
9781854376251 (pbk.)


Bibel Philemonbrief
Motion pictures.
Art History.
Motion pictures in art.
Video art.
Motion Pictures
Art Histoire.
Cinéma dans l'art.
Art vidéo.
art history.
video art.
Art, Modern 20th century.
Art and motion pictures.
Konst historia.
Filmen och konsten.


Motion pictures

Vedettes secondaires:

Leighton, Tanya.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 260119
Cote: BIB 191018
Statut: Disponible


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