Michel, Serge, 1969-
China safari : on the trail of China's expansion in Africa / Serge Michel and Michel Beuret ; photographs by Paolo Woods ; translated by Raymond Valley.
New York : Nation Books, ©2009.
v, 306 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates : color illustrations, map ; 24 cm
With trade between Africa and China estimated to reach $100 billion by 2010, China recently over-took Great Britain as the continent's third largest business partner. Journalists Michel and Beuret offer an intrepid and intelligent analysis of how Chinese economic investment is changing every-day African life-and the implications for China's role in the international community.
9781568584263 (alk. paper)
1568584261 (alk. paper)
International economic relations.
Natürliche Ressourcen
Africa Foreign economic relations China.
China Foreign economic relations Africa.
Afrique Relations économiques extérieures Chine.
Beuret, Michel.
Woods, Paolo, photographer.
Valley, Raymond, translator.
On the trail of China's expansion in Africa
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 269086
Cote: BIB 201087
Statut: Disponible
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