Kopelow, Gerry, 1949-
How to photograph buildings and interiors / Gerry Kopelow.
New York : Princeton Architectural Press, ©1993.
127 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 28 cm
Provides specific knowledge necessary to enhance the quality of pictures, and suggests cost-cutting methods to stay within limited budgets. Architectural photographer Gerry Kopelow created this guide on how to take high-quality photographs for architects, interior designers, engineers, and heritage preservers. This practical how-to book is full of useful information including: working with a professional, when to do it yourself, technical considerations, aesthetic considerations, practical advice, on the job, specific applications, how to put photography to work, advice for professional photographers and glossary.
Architectural photography.
Photography of interiors.
Photographie d'architecture.
Photographie d'intérieurs.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 48501
Cote: ID:89-B7551
Statut: Disponible
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