The reconfigured eye : visual truth in the post-photographic era / William J. Mitchell.
Entrée principale:

Mitchell, William J. (William John), 1944-2010.

Titre et auteur:

The reconfigured eye : visual truth in the post-photographic era / William J. Mitchell.


Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, ©1992.


273 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 227-268) and index.
Beginnings (Three snapshots -- The raster grid -- Digital image creation -- Mutability and manipulation -- Digital images and the postmodern era) -- The nascent medium (Early development -- News photography goes digital -- Popularization -- The displacement of photography) -- Intention and artifice (Claims to credibility -- Adherence of the referent -- Intention and objectivity -- Coherence -- Relationship to visual discourses -- Provenance -- Originals and copies -- Mutation and closure -- Image ethics redefined -- Devaluation) -- Electronic tools (Tools and purposes -- Image-capture devices -- Information content -- Storage and compression -- Color and color separations -- Digital halftoning -- Printing and display devices -- Transmission and distribution -- Image collections -- Indexing, access, and contextualization -- Vision remade) -- Digital brush strokes (Filters -- Figures and grounds -- Tone-scale adjustment -- Darkening, lightning, and contrast -- Thresholding and posterization -- Positives and negatives -- Colorization -- Color corrections and transformations -- Sharpening and smoothing -- Macchioaiolation and diffusion -- Line extraction -- Arbitrary filters -- True colors) -- Virtual cameras (Algorithmic image construction -- Visual reconstruction and prediction -- Modeling -- Rendering : projecting and shading -- Wireframe projections -- Viewing parameters -- Hidden lines and surfaces -- Invasion of the body snatchers) -- Synthetic shading (The logic of light -- Intrinsic color -- Ambient -- Lambert shading -- Curved-surface shading -- Specularity and highlights -- Surface detail -- Light sources -- Cast shadows -- Transparency -- Global illumination -- Ray tracing -- Radiosity -- Atmospheric and volume effects -- Camera artifacts -- Photorealism) -- Computer collage (Mise en image -- Cutting and pasting -- Rotating and reflecting -- Scaling -- Stretching and shearing -- False foreshortening -- Displacement mapping -- Blends, mattes, and masks -- Retouching and painting -- Combining synthetic and captured images -- The missing witness) -- How to do things with pictures (Functions of pictures -- Denotation and existence -- Insertions -- Effacements and elisions -- Substitutions -- Anachronistic assemblages -- Falsehoods and fictions -- How pictures do things with us -- The shadows on the wall).
Current Copyright Fee: GBP15.00 0.

An analysis of the digital imaging revolution. It describes the technology of digital imaging and looks at how it is changing the way we explore ideas, at its aesthetic potential and at the ethical questions raised. Topics include electronic brushstrokes, virtual cameras, synthetic shading and more.


0262631601 (pbk.)
9780262631600 (pbk.)


Image processing Digital techniques.
Images, Photographic Data processing.
Traitement d'images Techniques numériques.
Images photographiques Informatique.
digital imaging.
21.41 techniques, materials and equipment of photographic art.
54.74 pattern recognition, image processing.
Digitale Fotografie
Digitale technieken.
Image processing


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 17623
Cote: ID PLS; ID:93-B1069
Statut: Disponible


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