Stein, Sally.
John Gutmann : the photographer at work / Sally Stein ; foreword by Douglas R. Nickel ; with a contribution by Amy Rule.
Tucson : Center for Creative Photography, the University of Arizona ; New Haven [Conn.] : in association with Yale University Press, 2009.
180 pages : illustrations ; 31 cm
From the Publisher: John Gutmann (1905-1998) was one of America's most distinctive photographers. Born in Germany where he trained as an artist and art teacher, he fled the Nazis in 1933 and settled in San Francisco, reinventing himself as a photo-reporter. Gutmann captured images of American culture, celebrating signs of a vibrant democracy, however imperfect. His own status as an outsider-a Jew in Germany, a naturalized citizen in the United States-informed his focus on individuals from the Asian-American, African-American, and gay communities, as well as his photography in India, Burma, and China during World War II. This handsome book acknowledges Gutmann's place in the history of photography. Drawing on his archive of photographs and papers at the Center for Creative Photography, it presents both unfamiliar works and little-known contexts for his imagery, linking his photography to his passionate interest in painting and filmmaking, his collections of non-Western art and artifacts, and his pedagogy. In addition to a major essay by Sally Stein, the volume includes an introduction by Douglas R. Nickel, and an overview of the Gutmann archive by Amy Rule.
9780300123319 (hbk.)
0300123310 (hbk.)
Gutmann, John Exhibitions.
Gutmann, John
Gutmann, John 1905-1998
Gutmann, John utställningskataloger.
Photojournalism Exhibitions.
Photographie de presse Expositions.
Jewish photographers
Photographers United States Biography
Photographs United States
Fotografi Förenta staterna 1900-talet.
Exhibition catalogues.
Exhibition catalogs.
Photography, Artistic.
Gutmann, John.
Rule, Amy.
University of Arizona. Center for Creative Photography.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 266205
Cote: BIB 197842
Statut: Disponible
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