Mckenzie, Molly., author
Turkish Athens : the forgotten centuries 1456-1832 / Molly Mackenzie.
Reading, Berkshire : Ithaca Press, 1992.
148 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
"In June 1456 Athens surrendered to the forces of the Sultan Muhammad II. Turkish Athens describes how the city - following its incorporation into the fabric of the Ottoman Empire - sank gradually over the next four centuries into a state of isolation and obscurity, and follows the fortunes of the citizens of what had become an obscure Turkish garrison town, frequently ruled by vicious and corrupt officials." "As political conditions began to alter during the 18th century, Greek fortunes began to revive and the outside world rediscovered the city. Foreign travellers - poets and lords among them - began to arrive in ever-increasing numbers, and the unfortunate citizens now suffered from the depredations of the souvenir hunters who pillaged many of the city's classical treasures. At last, the Turkish garrison on the Acropolis surrendered and in 1833, the city of Athens was restored to Greek hands."--Jacket
0863721435 (pbk.)
9780863721434 (pbk.)
15.70 history of Europe.
Turcs Grèce Athènes (Grèce).
Athens (Greece) History.
Athènes (Grèce) Histoire.
Greece Athens.
Ottoman Empire.
Greece Athens, 1453-1821
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 73225
Cote: ID:92-B158
Statut: Disponible
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