Monte, Guidobaldo, marchese del, 1545-1607.
Gvidivbaldi è marchionibvs Montis Perspectivae libri sex.
Pisauri [Pesaro, Italy] : Apud Hieronymum Concordiam, M. DC. [1600]
[4], 310, [1] p. : ill. ; 32 cm. (fol.)
First edition of what some consider the best Renaissance of perspective. Guidobaldo attempted to definitively explain the rules of perspective, a topic much debated among architects, artists, and mathematicians during the 15th and 16th centuries, and is responsible for a strictly mathematical approach to perspective. According to Martin Kemp, in The science of art (New Haven, CT: Yale Univ. Press, 1990), Guidobaldo "provided a definitive and often original analysis of the mathematics of perspectival projection, in a far more extended way than either Commandino or Benedetti had aimed to do. Guidobaldo's book rightly came to be regarded as the main source of reference for anyone seriously interested in the underlying geometry of perspectival projection. But this is not to say that he made life at all easy for the painter who wished to approach his text. His only substantial treatment of a representational technique occurred in his final book, in which he analyzed the scenographic perspective of stage design" (see pages 89-91).
Perspective Early works to 1800.
Geometry, Projective Early works to 1800.
Perspective Ouvrages avant 1800.
Géométrie projective Ouvrages avant 1800.
Geometry, Projective.
Vellum (parchment) bindings.
Early works.
Concordia, Girolamo, active 1564-1617, printer.
Perspectivae libri sex.
Guidiubaldi è marchionibus Montis Perspectivae libri sex
Guidi Ubaldi è marchionibus Montis Perspectivae libri sex
Localisation: Bibliothèque cage m 32521
Cote: PO1537
Statut: Disponible
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