Curating architecture and the city / edited by Sarah Chaplin and Alexandra Stara.
Titre et auteur:

Curating architecture and the city / edited by Sarah Chaplin and Alexandra Stara.


1st ed.


London ; New York : Routledge, 2009.


xiii, 258 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm.


AHRA critiques : critical studies in architectural humanities

Includes bibliographical references and index.
The city and the text : remembering Dublin in Ulysses : remembering Ulysses in Dublin / Hugh Campbell -- Choosing (what) to learn from : Las Vegas, Los Angeles, London, Rome, Lagos ...? / Suzanne Ewing -- Curated desires : film, photography and the visual transformation of urban space in surrealism / Michael Chapman and Michael Ostwald -- Moving city : curating architecture on site / Jonathan Hale and Holger Schnädelbach -- Awaiting the voice-over : the Öresund Film Commission location database and the mediatization of architectural landscape / Maria Hellström Reimer -- Curating contemporary architecture : touring the Bilbao Guggenheim and Seattle Central Library / Ari Seligmann -- Cura / Tim Gough -- Caring for dead architecture / Matthias Albrecht Amann -- Exhibiting architecture : the installation as laboratory for emerging architecture / Florian Kossak -- From flash art to flash mob : how have new gallery spaces informed the nature of contemporary display? / Corinna Dean -- Reading into the mysteries of Artemis Ephesia / Zeynep Aktüre -- Curating the social, curating the architectural / Gerald Adler -- Expanding the public realm through curated collaborative action : the Echigo Tsumari abandoned house project / Carol Mancke -- Curating the nation : Turkish pavilions in world expositions / Sebnem Yücel Young -- After branding : a lively downtown? / Marie-Paule Macdonald -- The necessity of distance : setting the position for critical spatial practice / Catharina Gabrielsson -- Urban fictions with the office for subversive architecture / Alexandra Stara -- Afterword : please do not ('do not' is crossed out) touch / Jeremy Till.

The collection, representation and exhibition of architecture and the built environment is explored in the context of current practices, historical precedents, theoretical issues and future possibilities.


9780415489829 (hbk. ; alk. paper) :
0415489822 (hbk. ; alk. paper)
9780415489836 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0415489830 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
9780203876381 (ebk.)
0203876385 (ebk.)


Architecture Exhibitions.
Cities and towns Interpretive programs.
Villes Programmes d'interprétation.
Arkitektur utställningar.
Architettura espositiva sec. 20.-21. (inizio) critica.
Città sistemazione urbanistica sec. 20.-21. (inizio) critica.


Ausstellung Aufsatzsammlung.
Exhibition catalogs.

Vedettes secondaires:

Chaplin, Sarah.
Stara, Alexandra, 1967-
Critiques ; v. 4.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 262790
Cote: BIB 193920
Statut: Disponible


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