Libraries within the library : the origins of the British Library's printed collections / edited by Giles Mandelbrote and Barry Taylor.
Titre et auteur:

Libraries within the library : the origins of the British Library's printed collections / edited by Giles Mandelbrote and Barry Taylor.


London : British Library, 2009.


xii, 448 pages, 4 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (some color), facsimiles (some color), portraits ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Preface / Sir Colin Lucas -- Notes on contributors -- Chronology -- Abbreviations -- Introduction : from texts to collections / David Pearson -- The foundation collections. Henry VIII's library and the British Museum duplicate sales : a newly discovered de-accession / James P. Carley ; Isaac Casaubon's library of Hebrew books / Anthony Grafton and Joanna Weinberg ; The printed books of the Cotton family and their dispersal / Colin G.C. Tite ; Printed material and the Cotton manuscripts / Julian Harrison ; Sir Hans Sloane's printed books in the British Library : their identification and associations / Alison Walker ; Sloane's purchases at the sale of Robert Hooke's library / Giles Mandelbrote ; Sloane and the preservation of printed Ephemera / Giles Mandelbrote -- The early decades. George Thomason's intentions / Michael Mendle ; Clayton Mordaunt Cracherode / Paul Quarrie ; Sir William Musgrave (1735-1800) and the British Museum Library / C.J. Wright ; The scholarly library and collections of knowledge of Sir Joseph Banks / Rüdiger Joppien and Neil Chambers ; The BM duplicate sales 1769-1832 and their significance for the early collections / T.A. Birrell -- The King's Library. The Bibliotheca Smithiana / Lotte Hellinga ; Moving the King's Library : argument and sentiment 1823-1998 / John Goldfinch ; The King's Library / P.R. Harris -- Later collections of printed books within the British Museum Library. Thomas Grenville (1755-1846) and his books / Barry Taylor ; Buying at auction : building the British Museum Library's collections in the second half of the nineteenth century / Geoffrey West ; The collections of Sergei Aleksandrovich Sobolevskii (1803-1870) / Chris Thomas ; Libraries in the archives : researching provenance in the British Library invoices / Arnold Hunt -- Appendices. Identification of printed books acquired by the British Museum, 1753-1836 / P.R. Harris ; Some contemporary sources for the early history of the British Museum's printed collections / John Goldfinch.

"Dispersed along the shelves of the British Library today are many volumes that once stood side by side in private libraries. These essays explore some of the most important printed collections which were brought together to form the British Museum Library and cast new light on the individuals whose personal interests and taste they reflect.--Dust jacket.




British Library History.
British Library Historia
British Library.
London British Library.
Collection management (Libraries) Great Britain History.
Gestion des collections (Bibliothèques) Grande-Bretagne Histoire.
Collection management (Libraries)
Particuliere bibliotheken.
Bibliotekssamlingar historia.
Great Britain.
Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland.



Vedettes secondaires:

Mandelbrote, Giles.
Taylor, Barry, 1956 August 28-

Origins of the British Library's printed collections


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 271359
Cote: BIB 204415
Statut: Disponible


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