Economic policy in Europe since the late Middle Ages : the visible hand and the fortune of cities / edited by Herman Diederiks, Paul Hohenberg, and Michael Wagenaar.
Titre et auteur:

Economic policy in Europe since the late Middle Ages : the visible hand and the fortune of cities / edited by Herman Diederiks, Paul Hohenberg, and Michael Wagenaar.


Leicester : Leicester University Press, 1992.


229 pages ; 24 cm

Papers presented at a conference on The visible hand and the fortune of cities held Nov. 17-19, 1988, at the University of Leyden.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
The visible hand and the fortune of cities : a historiographic introduction / Herman Diederiks and Paul M. Hohenberg -- Urban policy or personal government : the involvement of the urban élite in the economy of Leiden at the end of the Middle Ages / Hanno Brand -- Holders of power and economic activity in German merchant towns in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries / Pierre Jeannin -- Urban economy and industrial development in the Early Modern period : Nîmes in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries / Line Teisseyre-Sallmann -- Structural crisis of the economy and political leadership : the example of Cologne in the eighteenth century / Dietrich Ebeling -- Capital policies of the Hohenzollerns in Berlin (1650-1800) / Helga Schulz
Municipal oligarchies and bourgeois merchants as separate social groups : comparisons on either side of the Franco-Belgian border in the eighteenth century / Philippe Guignet -- Resistance to change : élites, municipal government and the state in the development of the city of Naples (1750-1870) / John A. Davis -- Fingerprints of an urban élite : the case of a Dutch city in the nineteenth century / Pim Kooij -- Foresight is not the essence of government / Jan van den Noort -- The city council and the economic élite : Haarlem 1890-1920 / Boudien de Vries -- From hidden hand to public intervention : land use and zoning strategies in the liberal and post-liberal city (1875-1914) / Michael Wagenaar
The state, élite and the market : the 'visible hand' in the British industrial city system / R.J. Morris -- Managing the market, regulating the city : urban control in the nineteenth-century United Kingdom / Richard Rodger



Urban policy Europe History.
Municipal government Europe History.
Municipal finance Europe History.
Cities and towns Europe History.
Politique urbaine Europe Histoire.
Administration municipale Europe Histoire.
Finances municipales Histoire.
Villes Europe Histoire.
Cities and towns.
Municipal finance.
Municipal government.
Urban policy.
économie ville Europe 14e s. 20e s. (début) congrès.
vie politique ville Europe 14e s. 20e s. (début) congrès.
Urban policy Europe History Congresses.
Municipal government Europe History Congresses.
Municipal finance Europe History Congresses.
Cities and towns Europe History Congresses.



Vedettes secondaires:

Diederiks, Herman.
Hohenberg, Paul M.
Wagenaar, Michael.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 72449
Cote: ID:92-B1218
Statut: Disponible


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