Architectural technology up to the scientific revolution : the art and structure of large-scale buildings / Robert Mark, editor.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 1993.
xvi, 252 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm.
New liberal arts series
The technological side of architecture is a fascinating yet often overlooked aspect of architectural history. This collaborative volume by architectural historians and research engineers provides fresh insights into the early builders' art. It examines innovative structures in eras that saw the development of new, large-scale building types and describes the modern scientific tools for clarifying the technological circumstances and the design techniques employed by pre-Enlightenment builders. Illustrated with over 200 diagrams and photographs, specific chapters treat such structural components as soils and foundations; walls and other masonry; vertical elements such as piers, arches, and buttresses; masonry, domes and vaults; and timber roofs and spires. The most-generally taught western monuments ranging from ancient Greece to the Scientific Revolution are then re-examined in light of this information. The concluding chapter summarizes the overall pattern of prescientific building, design, pointing up some of the reasons for its remarkable record of success, and discusses the displacement of the craftsman-master builder by the artist-architect with a most important and surprising consequence of this transformation.
Building History.
Architecture History.
Construction Histoire.
Architecture Histoire.
Buildings Construction Technology History
Mark, Robert.
New liberal arts series.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 85594
Cote: ID:93-B1678
Statut: Disponible
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