Teynard, Félix.
Félix Teynard, calotypes of Egypt : a catalogue raisonné / essay by Kathleen Stewart Howe.
New York : Hans P. Kraus, Jr. ; London : Robert Hershkowitz ; Carmel : Weston Gallery, 1992.
207 pages : illustrations ; 31 cm
The work of Félix Teynard (1817-1892) essentially consists in a set of 160 photographic plates titled Egypt and Nubia printed in 1853-1854 by the firm of H. Fonteny in Paris. Teynard's goal was to create a collection of photographs that would complement Description of Egypt (1809-1828), a series of volumes documenting Napoleon's expedition to Egypt using maps, texts and engravings which were thought to be inadequate. Trained as a civil engineer, Félix Teynard produced a unique body of work through balanced compositions and a keen observation of monuments and architecture. Going beyond temples and well-known sites, he was also interested in vegetation, landscapes and more modest buildings, showing an openness in his choice of subjects. Since the invention of photography in 1839, traveller-photographers have swarmed to the distant and mythical East. The CCA Collection includes a large number of albums and photographs produced on Egypt, from the nineteenth century up to the present.
Teynard, Félix, 1817-1892 Catalogues raisonnés.
Egypt Antiquities.
Nubia Antiquities.
Egypt Antiquities Pictorial works.
Nubia Antiquities Pictorial works.
Égypte Antiquités Ouvrages illustrés.
Nubie Antiquités Ouvrages illustrés.
Egypte Ouvrages illustrés.
Nubie Ouvrages illustrés.
Égypte Antiquités.
Africa Nubia
Égypte Antiquités Photographies.
Nubie Antiquités Photographies.
Égypte Photographies.
Nubie Photographies.
illustrated books.
Illustrated works
Ouvrages illustrés.
Howe, Kathleen Stewart.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 74046
Cote: TR140.T356 (ID:92-B1943)
Statut: Disponible
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