Event-cities 3 : concept vs. context vs. content / Bernard Tschumi.
Entrée principale:

Tschumi, Bernard, 1944-

Titre et auteur:

Event-cities 3 : concept vs. context vs. content / Bernard Tschumi.


Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, ©2004.


637 pages : chiefly illustrations (some color) ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 628-636).
Introduction : Concept vs. context vs. content ; New York, Urban glass house, 2000: vision glass -- A. Tactical indifference : Angoulême, Exhibition Center, 2000: concept decontextualized ; Geneva, Vacheron Constantin Headquarters, 2001-04: manufacturing time ; Strasbourg, Concert Hall, 2003: megaspan -- B. Reciprocity and conflict : Pittsburgh, Carnegie Science Center, 2000: Phagocyte ; Limoges, Concert Hall, 2003: concept recontextualized ; Vendée, International Sports Center, 2001: double content -- C. Contextualizing concept : Rome, Italian Space Agency, 2000: fractal cantilever ; Antwerp, Museum aan de Stroom, 2000: fractal matrix ; São Paulo, Museum of Contemporary Art, 2001: a vertical museum sketchbook ; Troy, Electronic Media and Performing Arts Center, 2001: double envelope -- D. Conceptualizing context : New York, Museum for African Art, Version 1, 2000-02: wood curves, glass box; Version 2, 2003-04: The tower vs. the museum ; Cincinnati, Athletic Center, 2001-: contextual free from ; Athens, New Acropolis Museum, 2000-: paradoxes, paraboxes -- E. Context becoming concept : Nice, Sophia-Antipolis Campus, 2004: camouflage -- F. Large scale: concepts becoming contexts : Paris, Expo 2004, 2001: virtual city of images ; Toronto, Downsview Park, 2000: natural artifice ; New York, Tri-towers of Babel: questioning Ground Zero, 2002: whose context? ; Beijing, Factory 798, 2003-: superposition.

"In Event-Cities 3, Bernard Tschumi explores the complex and productive triangulation of architectural concept, context, and content. There is no architecture without a concept, an overriding idea that gives coherence and identity to a building. But there is also no architecture without context - historical, geographical, cultural - or content - what happens inside."
"Through documentation of recent projects - including the New Acropolis Museum in Athens, a campus Athletic Center in Cincinnati, museums in Sao Paolo, New York, and Antwerp, concert halls in France, and a speculative urban project in Beijing - Tschumi examines different ways that concept, context, and content relate to each other in his work. Through examples, he demonstrates that the relationship of concept, context, and content may be one of indifference, reciprocity, or conflict. Above all, he suggests that the activity of architecture is less about the making of forms than the investigation and materialization of concepts."--Jacket.


0262701103 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
9780262701105 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Tschumi, Bernard, 1944-
Tschumi, Bernard Bauentwurf Geschichte 2000-2004.
Bernard Tschumi Architects.
Architecture, Modern 21st century.
Architecture, Modern 20th century.
Architecture Philosophy.
Architecture 21e siècle.
Architecture 20e siècle.
Architecture Philosophie.
architectural theory.
Architecture, Modern.
Architectural design Philosophy.
Public spaces Designs and plans.
Design architectural.
Dessin d'architecture.
Espace architectural.
Bauentwurf Tschumi, Bernard Geschichte 2000-2004.

Vedettes secondaires:

Event-cities three


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 237317
Cote: NA44.T881.23 T82 2004
Statut: Disponible


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