The formal garden : traditions of art and nature / Mark Laird ; photographs by Hugh Palmer.
Entrée principale:

Laird, Mark.

Titre et auteur:

The formal garden : traditions of art and nature / Mark Laird ; photographs by Hugh Palmer.


New York, N.Y. : Thames and Hudson, 1992.


240 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 31 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 235-237) and index.
Introduction: Nature and Formality -- 1. Gardens of the Renaissance: The Union of Architecture and Horticulture -- Colour Plates -- 2. Baroque Gardens: The Age of the Parterre and Bosquet -- Colour Plates -- 3. Eighteenth-century Themes: The Marriage of the Straight and the Serpentine -- Colour Plates -- 4. Revivals and Eclecticism: From Broderie and Bedding to Mixing and Massing -- Colour Plates -- 5. The Past in the Present: Knot and Parterre Reinvented -- Colour Plates -- Gazetteer of Major Formal Gardens.

The Idea of the formal garden evokes clear and specific images: the Renaissance symmetry of the Villa Lante; the knots and mazes of Hampton Court; the immense vistas of Versailles. But how well founded are our preconceptions in fact?
In this major study new research combines with glorious illustrations to demonstrate for the first time how historic gardens were originally conceived, and how they have changed. The gardens today are seen to be a fascinating overlay through time of changing ideas and attitudes.
The evidence unearthed suggests that formality is the central and enduring tradition of Western garden design, that it was still vigorously alive in the eighteenth century, and that its relation to the landscape garden has been consistently misjudged. In some gardens, the original planting has disappeared, while others have been meticulously restored; indeed, traditional categories prove insufficient to describe them, for a "Baroque" garden may actually be a re-interpretation from the 1930s.
. In the course of his wide-ranging investigation, Mark Laird draws on archival sources - maps, plans, published and unpublished descriptions - and his own horticultural expertise to look afresh at over fifty of the finest surviving gardens in Europe and the United States. All the major styles - Renaissance, Mannerist, Baroque, Regence, Rococo - are represented, along with nineteenth- and twentieth-century revivals.
The author is one of the most original garden historians writing today, and in Hugh Palmer, the photographer, he has found an eye and knowledge to match his reputation. The sumptuous color photographs are supplemented by over one hundred rare historical plans and views to show how the gardens changed through history. Additional reference material includes a gazetteer of sites, a glossary of planting terms and full bibliographies.




Formal gardens History.
Formal gardens Design History.
Jardins réguliers Histoire.
Formal gardens.
Formal gardens Design.
United States




Localisation: Bibliothèque main 74992
Cote: ID:92-B2380
Statut: Disponible


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