New York, New York : how the apartment house transformed the life of the city (1869-1930) / Elizabeth Hawes.
Entrée principale:

Hawes, Elizabeth, 1940-

Titre et auteur:

New York, New York : how the apartment house transformed the life of the city (1869-1930) / Elizabeth Hawes.


1st ed.


New York : Knopf, 1993.


xv, 285 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 257-276) and index.
Acknowledgments (p.xi) -- Introduction (p.xiii) -- Old New York 1869-1879. Irving Place, 1869 (p.5) -- Richard Morris Hunt (p.15) -- The tradition of houses (p.25) -- French flats and other first thoughts (p.35) -- The cooperative experiment (p.53) -- The gilded age 1880-1899. Three new mansions : Vanderbilt, Tiffany, Villard (p.71) -- Two communal palaces : The Dakota, the Osborne (p.92) -- William Dean Howells in New York (p.113) -- Greater New York at the turn of the century (p.129) -- The new metropolis 1900-1919. Building the Upper West Side : the Courtyard Building, the Studios (p.151) -- Selling apartments (p.174) -- The conversion of the rich : Fifth Avenue and Park Avenue (p.188) -- The Manhattan skyline 1920-1930. Apartment-house architects (p.217) -- A new beginning (p.243) -- Appendix : extant buildings (p.253) -- Notes (p.257) -- Selected bibliography (p.268) -- Index (p.277).

The so-called Great Era of Luxury Apartment Building, 1869 to 1929, marked New York City's evolution from town to city, from the tradition-bound to modernity. In her first book, Hawes, a former New Yorker staff writer, tells the story in an understated, detail-rich style. She ranges from Richard Morris Hunt, the architect whose Paris sojourn shaped his views of urbanization, to the growth of the utopian-influenced cooperative apartment complexes in the 1880s. She offers histories of famous buildings like the Dakota, named in 1881 for its remoteness on the still rural Upper West Side, and the Waldorf-Astoria, ``a microcosm of the urban good life.'' She explains how the subway stimulated apartment building, how architects adapted classic vocabulary for their projects and how real estate agents hyped these new properties. By the 1920s, an apartment ``had become a symbol of the stylish life, '' Hawes writes; in an appendix, she lists the 86 buildings of the era still standing in Manhattan.

Table of contents



Apartment houses New York (State) New York.
Architecture and society New York (State) New York History 19th century.
Architecture and society New York (State) New York History 20th century.
Immeubles d'habitation New York (État) New York.
Architecture New York (État) New York 20e siècle.
Architecture et société New York (État) New York Histoire 20e siècle.
Architecture New York (État) New York 19e siècle.
Architecture et société New York (État) New York Histoire 19e siècle.
Apartment houses
Architecture and society
Geschichte 1869-1930.
New York (N.Y.) Buildings, structures, etc.
New York (State) New York
New York, NY
New York (N.Y.)




Localisation: Bibliothèque main 84478
Cote: ID:93-B1444
Statut: Disponible


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