Kurokawa, Kishō, 1934-2007.
Kisho Kurokawa : from metabolism to symbiosis.
London : Academy Editions ; New York, NY : St Martin's Press, 1992.
311 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 34 cm
Kisho Kurokawa is one of the most prolific Japanese architects working today. This richly illustrated volume presents the full extent of his work all over the world, using analytical drawings showing the design process within the work, whilst Kurokawa's writings expound the theories which have influenced his architecture over many years. Kurokawa traces his aesthetic and philosophical development from Metabolism, a movement which he founded in 1960, through Metamorphosis to Symbiosis, which he sees as the keynote of the nineties. These biological terms express the underlying themes of his work: adaptation and change, nervous systems, intermediate zones, ambiguity and hidden order themes that are the characteristics of life itself. As society moves from the machine age to the age of life, these organic concepts become increasingly relevant. It is an age in which Japan, no longer dominated by the logocentric, binomial mentality of the West, will play an important part. -- from book jacket.
1854901192 (Academy Editions)
9781854901194 (Academy Editions)
0312078935 (St. Martin's Press)
9780312078935 (St. Martin's Press)
Kurokawa, Kishō, 1934-2007 Themes, motives.
Kurokawa, Kishō, 1934- Critique et interprétation.
Kurokawa, Kishō, 1934-2007
Kurokawa, Kishō 1934-2007
Kurokawa, Kisho, (1934-2007) Thèmes, motifs.
Architecture Japan History 20th century.
Architecture Japan 20th century Designs and plans.
Architecture Japan History 20th century Designs and plans.
Architecture Japon Histoire 20e siècle Dessins et plans.
Architecture Japon Histoire 20e siècle.
Themes, motives
Architects Japan 20th century.
Architecture 20e siècle Japon.
Architectural drawings
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 209891
Cote: NA44.K969.2 K8 1992
Statut: Disponible
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