Weller, Richard.
Boomtown 2050 : scenarios for a rapidly growing city / Richard Weller.
Crawley, W.A. : UWAP/UWA Pub., ©2009.
453 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps (chiefly color) ; 27 cm
"Perth, a city of 1.5 million relatively complacent people, is changing at a phenomenal rate. Latest predictions are that the city will grow from 1.5 million people to 4.2 million by 2056. To meet this increase the entire city and its infrastructure needs to double in the next 4 decades. This will have huge consequences for the culture and ecology of the city: Perth's long term survival is at stake. This book is designed to help the community visualize the results of planning decisions and get everyone involved in the debate about how the city should grow. This is an important and timely book for Perth, but it also presents a model piece of research that could be emulated in any city experiencing rapid change."--Publisher's description
9781921401213 (hbk.)
1921401214 (hbk.)
City planning Australia Perth (W.A.)
Cities and towns Australia Perth (W.A.)
Urban policy Australia Perth (W.A.)
Villes Australie Perth (Austr.-Occ.)
Politique urbaine Australie Perth (Austr.-Occ.)
Cities and towns.
City planning.
Urban policy.
Perth (W.A.) History.
Western Australia Perth.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 287196
Cote: BIB 228084
Statut: Disponible
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