Strike, James.
Architecture in conservation : managing development at historic sites / James Strike.
London ; New York : Routledge, 1994.
ix, 163 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.
The Heritage
"One of the problems faced by museums and heritage organisations is adapting old buildings to their needs or building new ones to fit in with historic sites. How exactly should you create a visitors' centre? How can a building be altered to accommodate a museum? The real difficulty lies where the budget is minimal and the potential damage to the environment or setting enormous." "Architecture in Conservation looks at the need to respond sensitively to the limitations or potentials of the environment. James Strike explains the strategies for producing new development at historic sites, examining the philosophy of conservation practice and stressing the importance of taking into account the characteristics of each individual site. He explains the way in which the methods of producing good developments relate to our very perception of history, and addresses the practical problems involved in developing appropriate sites. Case studies from around the world demonstrate the potential of each approach." "James Strike draws on his broad experience in architectural practice to show that a sensitive approach to these issues can unlock conservation problems and open up new opportunities for architectural expansion. Architecture in Conservation will be of considerable interest to site owners and architects responsible for site development, and to students of architecture and history."--BOOK JACKET.
Historic buildings Remodeling for other use.
Historic sites Conservation and restoration.
Culturele instellingen.
Monuments historiques Reconversion.
Lieux historiques Conservation et restauration.
Constructions Reconversion.
Monuments historiques Conservation et restauration.
Architecture Related to Environment
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 102163
Cote: ID NA105.S78; ID:94-B1532
Statut: Disponible
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