The architecture of ancient Israel : from the prehistoric to the Persian periods : in memory of Immanuel (Munya) Dunayevsky / editors, Aharon Kempinski, Ronny Reich ; consulting editor, Hannah Katzenstein ; editorial director, Joseph Aviram.
Entrée principale:

Adrikhalut be-Erets-Yiśraʼel bi-yeme ḳedem. English.

Titre et auteur:

The architecture of ancient Israel : from the prehistoric to the Persian periods : in memory of Immanuel (Munya) Dunayevsky / editors, Aharon Kempinski, Ronny Reich ; consulting editor, Hannah Katzenstein ; editorial director, Joseph Aviram.


Jerusalem : Israel Exploration Society, 1992.


xiv, 332 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Immanuel (Munya) Dunayevsky (1906-1968) : the man and his work -- Building materials and architectural elements in ancient Israel / R. Reich -- Massive structures : processes in construction and deterioriation / E. Netzer -- Building activities in the prehistoric periods until the end of the Neolithic period / O. Bar-Yosef -- Domestic architecture of the Chalcolithic period / Y. Porath -- Introduction : the early Bronze Age / A. Ben-Tor -- Chalcolithic and early Bronze Age temples / A. Kempinski -- Early Bronze Age dwellings and installations / A. Ben-Tor -- Fortifications, public buildings, and town planning in the early Bronze Age / A. Kempinski -- Buildings and settlement patterns at early Bronze Age II sites in southern Israel and southern Sinai / I. Beit-Arieh -- Architecture in the intermediate early Bronze/Middle Bronze period / R. Cohen -- Dolmens in Palestine / D. Bahat -- The Middle and Late Bronze Ages : introduction / A. Kempinski -- Middle and Late Bronze Age dwellings / M. Ben-Dov -- Palaces and patrician houses in the Middle and Late Bronze Ages / E.D. Oren -- Urbanization and town plans in the Middle Bronze Age II / A. Kempinski -- Middle and Late Bronze Age fortifications / A. Kempinski -- Urbanization in the Late Bronze Age / J.J. Baumgarten -- Structural tombs in the Second Millennium B.C. / R. Gonen -- Temples of the Middle and Late Bronze Ages and the Iron Age / A. Mazar -- The Iron Age : introduction / A. Kempinski, R. Reich -- Domestic architecture in the Iron Age / E. Netzer -- Palaces and residences in the Iron Age / R. Reich -- Administrative structures in the Iron Age / Z. Herzog -- Settlement and fortification planning in the Iron Age / Z. Herzog -- Underground water systems in the land of Israel in the Iron Age / Y. Shiloh -- The architecture of the Israelite fortresses in the Negev / Z. Meshel -- The Phoenician architectural elements in Palestine during the Late Iron Age and the Persian Period / E. Stern.
English language edition.



Architecture, Ancient Palestine.
Architecture Palestine.
Architecture antique Palestine.
Architecture, Ancient.
Architecture, Ancient Eretz Israel.
Middle East Palestine.
Eretz Israel Antiquities.
Architecture, Palestine
Geschichte 1800-500 v. Chr.



Vedettes secondaires:

Dunayevsky, Immanuel, 1906-1968, honouree.
Kempinski, Aharon, editor.
Reich, Ronny, editor.
Katzenstein, Hannah, editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 111863
Cote: ID NA240.A3613; ID:94-B848
Statut: Disponible


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