The Edge of the millennium : an international critique of architecture, urban planning, product and communication design / edited by Susan Yelavich.
Titre et auteur:

The Edge of the millennium : an international critique of architecture, urban planning, product and communication design / edited by Susan Yelavich.


New York, N.Y. : Whitney Library of Design, ©1993.


256 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Setting the stage for the third millennium / Susan Yelavich -- The apocalyptic moment : living in a millenarian culture / Michael Barkun -- The end / Karrie Jacobs and Tibor Kalman -- City : spirit and form / Susan Yelavich -- Waiting for utopia / Rosemarie Haag Bletter -- Spiritual constructions / Alan Balfour -- 125th Street : refiguring the feminine in the city / Peg Elizabeth Birmingham -- Night thoughts on Bronx trolleys / John Hejduk -- At the edge of the urban millennium / Alan Plattus -- London beyond the millennium / Peter Cook and Christine Hawley -- Tokyo : real and imagined / Marc Treib -- Mexico City, its three foundations : a postmodern city / Eduardo Terrazas -- The form of Los Angeles's quotidian millennium / John Kaliski -- Product and the new technological juggernaut / Susan Yelavich -- Design and the second modernity : theorems for an ecology of the artificial world / Andrea Branzi.
Gods too ancient and contradictory : in response to Andrea Branzi / Michael McDonough -- Design and the new mythology / Michael McCoy -- A response to myth / Hugh Aldersey-Williams -- Momentum / Bruce Sterling and Tucker Viemeister -- Consumption and creativity in the information age / John Thackara -- The technological juggernaut : objects and their transcendence / John Rheinfrank -- Rethinking the border in design : an exploration of central and peripheral relations in practice / John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid -- Communication : new translations / Susan Yelavich -- Graphic design : lost and found / Lorraine Wild -- Russia now : survival of design or design for survival? / Constantin Boym -- West eats East, or the biggest takeover bid in Germany history / Erik Spiekermann -- Critical way finding / Ellen Lupton and J. Abbott Miller -- VR the world / Michael Sorkin -- Afterword : sonnets to Orpheus, #24 / Rainer Maria Rilke.
Table of contents

0823002543 (paperback)
9780823002542 (paperback)


Communication in architectural design Congresses.
Communication in design Congresses.
City planning Forecasting Congresses.
Communication en design architectural Congrès.
Communication en design Congrès.
Urbanisme Prévision Congrès.
City planning Forecasting
Communication in architectural design
Communication in design
Visuelle Kommunikation


Conference papers (document genres)
Conference papers and proceedings

Vedettes secondaires:

Yelavich, Susan.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 189460
Cote: ID NA2750.E34; ID:94-B646
Statut: Disponible


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