Megaregions : planning for global competitiveness / edited by Catherine L. Ross.
Titre et auteur:

Megaregions : planning for global competitiveness / edited by Catherine L. Ross.


Washington, DC : Island Press, ©2009.


xxv, 307 pages : illustrations, maps ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Scale matters : rethinking planning approaches across jurisdictional and sectoral boundaries / Cheryl K. Contant and Karen Leone de Nie -- The megalopolis, the blue banana, and global economic integration zones in European planning thought / Andres Faludi -- Spatial planning in Asia : planning and developing megacities and megaregions / Jiawen Yang -- Identifying megaregions in the United States : implications for infrastructure investment / Catherine L. Ross and Myungje Woo -- Megaregions or megasprawls? : issues of density, urban design, and quality growth / Tridib Banerjee -- Megapolitan America : defining and applying a new geography / Robert E. Lang and Arthur C. Nelson -- The imperative of growth, the rhetoric of sustainability : the divergence of the ecoregion and the global megaregion / Scott Campbell -- Mobility in the megaregion / Catherine L. Ross, Jason Barringer, and Adjo A. Amekudzi -- Investing in megaregion transportation systems : institutional challenges and opportunities / William D. Ankner and Michael D. Meyer -- Social equity and the challenge of distressed places / Norman Fainstein and Susan S. Fainstein -- Novel spatial formats : megaregions and global intercity geographies / Saskia Sassen -- Governing American metropolitan areas : spatial policy and regional governance / Myron Orfield and Thomas F. Luce, Jr -- The megaregion and the future of American planning / Catherine L. Ross and Jessica L.H. Doyle.

"Recently a great deal of attention has been focused on the emergence of the European Union and on European spatial planning, which has boosted the region's competitiveness. Megaregions applies these emerging concepts in an American context. It addresses critical questions for our future: What are the spatial implications of local, regional, national, and global trends within the context of sustainability, economic competitiveness, and social equity? How can we address housing, transportation, and infrastructure needs in growing megaregions? How can we develop and implement the policy changes necessary to make viable, livable megaregions?"--Publisher's website.

Table of contents

9781597265850 (cloth ; alk. paper)
1597265853 (cloth ; alk. paper)
9781597265867 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
1597265861 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Regional planning.
City planning Forecasting.
Planned communities Environmental aspects.
Sustainable development.
Globalization Economic aspects.
Aménagement du territoire.
Collectivités nouvelles Aspect de l'environnement.
Développement durable.
regional planning.
sustainable development.
Planification régionale.
Aménagement urbain.
Aspects économiques.
Grossregion USA.
Raumplanung Globalisierung.
Globalisierung Raumplanung.



Vedettes secondaires:

Ross, Catherine Laverne, 1948-


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 263665
Cote: BIB 194895
Statut: Disponible


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