Robbins, Edward, 1944- author, interviewer.
Why architects draw / Edward Robbins ; interviews with Edward Cullinan [and ten others].
Cambridge, Massachusetts : MIT Press, [1994]
315 pages : illustrations ; 23 x 31 cm
Examines the social uses of architectural drawing: how it acts to direct architecture; how it helps define what is important about a design; and how it embodies claims about the architect's status and authority. Case study narratives are included with drawings from projects at all stages.
9780262680981 (paperback : 1997)
026268098X (paperback : 1997)
Architectural drawing.
Architectural design.
Architects Interviews.
Dessin d'architecture.
Design architectural.
Architectes Entretiens.
architectural drawing (process)
Architectural drawings
Cullinan, Edward, interviewee.
De Grey, Spencer, interviewee.
Silvetti, Jorge, interviewee.
Piano, Renzo, interviewee.
Siza, Álvaro, 1933- interviewee.
Young, John, 1944- interviewee.
Hasegawa, Itsuko, interviewee.
Pedersen, William, 1938- interviewee.
Moneo, José Rafael, interviewee.
Hackney, Rod, interviewee.
Rice, Peter, 1935-1992, interviewee.
Wilcox, Jean, book designer, bookjacket designer.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main m 189413
Cote: IDM NA2700.R52; ID:94-B293
Exemplaire: copy 1
Statut: Disponible
Localisation: Bibliothèque main m 189414
Cote: IDM NA2700.R52; ID:94-B293
Exemplaire: copy 1
Statut: Disponible
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