Canadian cultural studies : a reader / Sourayan Mookerjea, Imre Szeman, and Gail Faurschou, eds. ; foreword by Frederic Jameson.
Durham [NC] : Duke University Press, 2009.
xiii, 589 pages ; 25 cm
"Poised between historical and metaphorical empires [(Great Britain and France) and a more recent one (the United States)] and operating within the conditions of incomplete modernity and economic and cultural dependency, Canada has generated a body of cultural criticism and theory, which offers unique insights into the dynamics of both center and periphery. The reader brings together for the first time in one volume recent writing in Canadian cultural studies and work by significant Canadian cultural analysts of the postwar era. [This reader Includes] essays by anglophone, francophone, and First Nations writers."
9780822343981 (cloth ; alk. paper)
0822343983 (cloth ; alk. paper)
9780822344162 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0822344165 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
Culture Study and teaching Canada.
Culture Étude et enseignement Canada.
Culture Study and teaching
Manners and customs
Canada Civilization.
Canada Social life and customs.
Canada Civilisation.
Canada Mœurs et coutumes.
Mookerjea, Sourayan, 1961-
Szeman, Imre, 1968-
Faurschou, Gail, 1957-
Localisation: Bibliothèque main canada 262822
Cote: HM623 .C35 2009
Statut: Disponible
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