Canadian cultural studies : a reader / Sourayan Mookerjea, Imre Szeman, and Gail Faurschou, eds. ; foreword by Frederic Jameson.
Titre et auteur:

Canadian cultural studies : a reader / Sourayan Mookerjea, Imre Szeman, and Gail Faurschou, eds. ; foreword by Frederic Jameson.


Durham [NC] : Duke University Press, 2009.


xiii, 589 pages ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Canadian Cultural theory : origins -- Contemporary Canadian cultural studies -- Nationalism and Canada-- Race, difference, and multiculturalism -- Modernity and contemporary culture -- Government documents.
Between Empires: On Cultural Studies in Canada / Sourayan Mookerjea, Imre Szeman, and Gail Faurschou -- Canadian Cultural Theory: Origins. A Plea for Time ; The Military Implications of the American Constitution / Harold Innis -- Canada as Counter Environment ; The Medium Is the Message / Marshall McLuhan -- Refus Global / Paul-Emile Borduas -- Conclusion to the Literary History of Canada ; City of the End of Things / Northrop Frye -- Canadian Fate and Imperialism ; In Defence of North America / George Grant -- Of a Hesitant Quebec / Fernand Dumont -- The Buckskin Curtain: The Indian-Problem Problem / Harold Cardinal -- The Old Question, but Not the Old Answers / Anthony Wilden -- Contemporary Canadian Cultural Studies. Nationalism and Canada. The Social Identity of English Canada / Ian Angus -- "Remembering (from) Where You're Going": Memory as Legacy and Inheritance / Jocelyn Letourneau -- The True North Song Free / Rob Shields -- Late Nationalism: The Case of Quebec / Kevin Pask -- Technological Nationalism / Maurice Charland -- Race, Difference, and Multiculturalism. On the Dark Side of the Nation: Politics of Multiculturalism and the State of "Canada" / Himani Bannerji -- In Whose Interest? Transnational Capital and the Production of Multiculturalism in Canada / Katharyne Mitchell -- Postmodernism and Cultural Politics in a Multicultural Nation: Contests over Truth in the Into the Heart of Africa Controversy / Eva Mackey -- Another Side of Me / Lee Maracle -- Tewatatha'wi: Aboriginal Nationalism in Taiaiake Alfred's Peace, Power, Righteousness: An Indigenous Manifest / Kristina Fagan -- Always Indigenize! The Radical Humanities in the Postcolonial Canadian University / Len Findlay -- Modernity and Contemporary Culture. Hauled Kicking and Screaming into Modernity : Non-Synchronicity and Globalization in Post-War Newfoundland / Stephen Crocker -- Theorizing Toronto / Ioan Davies -- Shifting Boundaries, Lines of Descent: Cultural Studies and Institutional Realignments / Will Straw -- Writing on the Border / Jody Berland -- Communities, Civic Boosterism, and Fans / Rick Gruneau and David Whitson -- Global Vistas and Local Reflection: Negotiating Place and Identity in Vancouver Television / Serra Tinic -- Government Documents. Preface to Government Documents -- From the Report of the Royal Commission on National Development in Arts, Letters and Sciences (Massey Commission) ; From the Report of the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism (Bi and Bi Commission) ; From Multiculturalism and the Government of Canada (Canadian Government Pamphlet) / Government of Canada -- Afterword. Are Cultural Studies an Anglo-Saxon Paradigm? Reflections on Cultural Studies in Francophone Networks / Yves Laberge.

"Poised between historical and metaphorical empires [(Great Britain and France) and a more recent one (the United States)] and operating within the conditions of incomplete modernity and economic and cultural dependency, Canada has generated a body of cultural criticism and theory, which offers unique insights into the dynamics of both center and periphery. The reader brings together for the first time in one volume recent writing in Canadian cultural studies and work by significant Canadian cultural analysts of the postwar era. [This reader Includes] essays by anglophone, francophone, and First Nations writers."

Table of contents

9780822343981 (cloth ; alk. paper)
0822343983 (cloth ; alk. paper)
9780822344162 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0822344165 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Culture Study and teaching Canada.
Culture Étude et enseignement Canada.
Culture Study and teaching
Manners and customs
Canada Civilization.
Canada Social life and customs.
Canada Civilisation.
Canada Mœurs et coutumes.

Vedettes secondaires:

Mookerjea, Sourayan, 1961-
Szeman, Imre, 1968-
Faurschou, Gail, 1957-


Localisation: Bibliothèque main canada 262822
Cote: HM623 .C35 2009
Statut: Disponible


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