Literature and culture in early modern London / Lawrence Manley.
Entrée principale:

Manley, Lawrence, 1949-

Titre et auteur:

Literature and culture in early modern London / Lawrence Manley.


Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1995.


xvi, 603 pages ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
The city and humanism -- London and the language of Tudor complaint -- From matron to monster: London and the languages of description -- The emergence of a Tudor capital: Spenser's epic vision -- Scripts for the pageant: the ceremonies of London -- "To be a man in print": pamphlet morals and urban culture -- Essential difference: the projects of satire -- The uses of enchantment: Jacobean city comedy and romance -- Metropolis: the creation of an august style -- In place of place: London and liberty in the Puritan Revolution.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP25.00 0.
Dust jacket.

In the two hundred years from 1475 London was transformed from a medieval commune into a metropolis of half a million people, a capital city, and a major European trading centre. New possibilities emerged for cultural exchange and combination, social and political order, and literary expression. Integrating literary and historical analysis, and drawing on recent work in literary theory and cultural studies, Literature and culture in early modern London provides a comprehensive account of the changing image and influence of London in lyrics, ballads, jests, epics, satires, plays, pageants, chronicles, treatises, sermons, and official documents. Lawrence Manley shows how the literature and culture of London contributed to the new structures of capitalism, to the process of "behavioral urbanization," and to a paradoxical liberation of the individual through the city's concentrated power.


0521461618 (hc)
9780521461610 (hc)


English literature Early modern, 1500-1700 History and criticism.
English literature England London History and criticism.
Literature and anthropology England London History.
Authors, English Homes and haunts England London.
Literature and society England London History.
Culture history.
Literature English history.
Littérature anglaise Angleterre Londres Histoire et critique.
Littérature et anthropologie Angleterre Londres Histoire.
Littérature et société Angleterre Londres Histoire.
Authors, English Homes and haunts
English literature
English literature Early modern
Intellectual life
Literature and anthropology
Literature and society
Literarisches Leben
Literatura anglesa 1500-1700, Anglès modern primitiu Història i crítica.
Literatura i societat Anglaterra Londres Història.
English literature London History and criticism.
Littérature et anthropologie Histoire.
Littérature anglaise 16e siècle Histoire et critique.
Littérature anglaise 17e siècle Histoire et critique.
Littérature et société Grande-Bretagne Londres (GB) Histoire 1500-1800.
Literature english.
Literature history.
London (England) Intellectual life 16th century.
London (England) Intellectual life 17th century.
London (England) In literature.
London (England) Civilization.
London (England) History 16th century.
London (England) History 17th century.
Londres (Angleterre) Vie intellectuelle 16e siècle.
Londres (Angleterre) Vie intellectuelle 17e siècle.
England London
Londres (Anglaterra) Vida intel·lectual S. XVI-XVII.
Londres dans la littérature anglaise.
Londres (GB) Dans la littérature.
Londres (GB) Civilisation 1500-1800.
London (Motiv)
London (England)


Criticism, interpretation, etc.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 300078
Cote: BIB 246248
Statut: Disponible


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