Las Vegas studio : images from the archives of Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown / edited by Hilar Stadler and Martino Stierli, in collaboration with Peter Fischli.
English ed.
Zürich : Scheidegger & Spiess, ©2008.
192 pages : chiefly illustrations (chiefly color) ; 28 cm
In 1968, American architects Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown, and Steven Izenour joined together with students from Yale and took Las Vegas as a subject of research. Their 1972 publication of the research leading to architectural theory treatise was 'Learning from Las Vegas'. The archives have now opened making their photographs available.--Publisher.
9783858817174 (English edition ; cl.)
3858817171 (English edition ; cl.)
Venturi, Robert Exhibitions.
Scott Brown, Denise, 1931- Exhibitions.
Venturi, Robert Expositions.
Scott Brown, Denise, 1931- Expositions.
Scott Brown, Denise, 1931-
Venturi, Robert
Venturi, Robert. Learning from Las Vegas.
Venturi Scott Brown and Associates Exhibitions.
Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates Expositions.
Venturi Scott Brown and Associates
Architecture Nevada Las Vegas Exhibitions.
Symbolism in architecture Exhibitions.
Architecture Nevada Las Vegas Expositions.
Symbolisme en architecture Expositions.
Symbolism in architecture
Las Vegas (Nev.) Pictorial works Exhibitions.
Las Vegas (Nev.) Ouvrages illustrés Expositions.
Nevada Las Vegas
Las Vegas bildverk.
Exhibition publications.
Exhibition catalogs
Exhibition, pictorial works
Stadler, Hilar.
Stierli, Martino, 1974-
Fischli, Peter, 1952-
Museum im Bellpark.
Deutsches Architekturmuseum.
Images from the archives of Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 261113
Cote: BIB 192095
Statut: Disponible
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