Decantations : a tribute to Maurice Craig / edited by Agnes Bernelle.
Titre et auteur:

Decantations : a tribute to Maurice Craig / edited by Agnes Bernelle.


Dublin, Ireland : Lilliput Press, 1992.


250 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Maurice Craig : an unfinished portrait / Edward McGuire -- Words : visions / Agnes Bernelle -- The celestial steam packet / C.E.B. Brett -- The party : Leningrad in 1932 / Hubert Butler -- The Chub and postage stamp designs / Michael Craig -- Sonnet 26 from The end of the modern world / Anthony Cronin -- The conversation piece in Irish painting in the eighteenth century / Anne Crookshank -- Samuel Madden and the scheme for the encouragement of useful manufactures / Mairead Dunlevy -- The Ormonde inventories : a state apartment at Kilkenny Castle / Jane Fenlon -- Enmore Castle / Mark Girouard -- A directory of the Irish furnishing trade, 1752-1800 / The Knight of Glin -- Leinster House and Isaac Ware : drawings from the collection of the Hon. Desmond Guinness and the late Mrs Mariga Guinness / David J. Griffin -- The absentee / Bryan Guinness -- The Romanesque passion lintel at Raphoe, Co. Donegal / Peter Harbison -- Ashley Park, Surrey : a matter of Sir John Vanbrugh and Sir Edward Lovett Pearce / John Harris
On the desire to emulate the activities of Captain Lemuel Gulliver at Blefuscu, or Some animadversions upon the creations of model-shipwrights / Gordon L. Herries Davies -- Man and modellist : an appreciation / John de Courcy Ireland -- Man of two cities / Benedict Kiely -- Is the screen mightier than the pen? A stroll through 'virtual reality' and hyper-media / Mark Leslie -- Early Irish architectural sketches from the Perceval/Egmont Collection / Rolf Loeber -- Charleville Castle / Fergal MacCabe -- Ludwig Wittgenstein on buildings in Dublin / W.J. McCormack -- Maurice Craig : the city as a work of art / Frank McDonald -- Edward Lovett Pearce and the Deanery of Christ Church Dublin / Edward McParland -- A medallion of John's Lane Chapel in 1840 : whodunnit and why? / F.X. Martin -- National tree / Richard Murphy -- The architectural metaphor / Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin -- Rebellion in the artwork : O Tuairisc, Dé Luain and the Craig connection / Proinsias O Drisceoil
The ballroom at Dublin Castle : the origins of St Patrick's Hall / Frederick O'Dwyer -- Binding memories of Trinity Library / William O'Sullivan -- Plain calf for plain people : Dublin bookbinders' price lists of the eighteenth century / M. Pollard -- Glimpses and longer views from La Collozione Guggenheim / Dachine Rainer -- On the cultivation of the compass rose / Tim Robinson -- Court houses and market houses / Sean Rothery -- Dún Aengus and some similar Celtic ceremonial centres / Etienne Rynne -- Public spaces : an integral element of urban architecture / Patrick and Maura Shaffrey -- Powerscourt and Enniskerry : the architectural development of an estate / Jeanne Sheehy -- Photograph / Philip Starling -- Three Thornhill Road, Islington, London / Sam Stephenson -- Ruskin, Morris, and the 'anti-scrape' philosophy / John Summerson -- Mis-quoting Yeats on Lough Erne / Colm Tóibín -- Works in progress : being the first and second chapters of an unfinished novel provisionally entitled The odious generation / Mervyn Wall -- William Atkins 1812-1887 : a forgotten Cork Pre-Raphaelite / Jeremy Williams -- Dr Steevens' Hospital, Dublin : restoration north elevation and landscape proposal (endpapers) / Arthur Gibney



Arts Great Britain.
Great Britain.


Mélanges (Recueils)

Vedettes secondaires:

Bernelle, Agnes.
Craig, Maurice James, 1919-2011.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 82687
Cote: ID NX543.D43; ID:95-B303
Statut: Disponible


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