Environmental tectonics : forming climatic change / edited by Steve Hardy.
London : AA Publication, ©2008.
160 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm
AA agendas ; no. 6
"In relation to architecture, the terms Environment, Ecology and Sustainability remain loosely defined. Over the past two years the EES Research Cluster at the AA has critically reassessed their meaning in an attempt to open up a discussion around a new paradigm of environmental design - one that moves beyond the obvious issue of carbon conservation and seeks new material and organisational tectonics and new forms of collaboration between architects, engineers and scientists." "The results of this research are gathered in this publication, along with a selection of award-winning projects from the two cycles of the 'Environmental Tectonics' competition organised by the EES cluster."--Jacket
Architecture Environmental aspects.
Sustainable architecture.
Design Environmental aspects.
Climatic changes.
Climate Change
Architecture Aspect de l'environnement.
Architecture durable.
Design Aspect de l'environnement.
Climat Changements.
climate change.
The environment.
Architettura aspetti ambientali.
Architettura sostenibile.
Exhibition catalogues.
Hardy, Steve (Steven), editor.
AA agendas ; no. 6.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 260648
Cote: BIB 191559
Statut: Disponible
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