Metropolis : center and symbol of our times / edited by Philip Kasinitz.
Titre et auteur:

Metropolis : center and symbol of our times / edited by Philip Kasinitz.


New York : New York University Press, 1995.


xii, 486 pages ; 22 cm


Main trends of the modern world

Includes bibliographical references and index.
pt. 1, Modernity and the urban ethos -- The culture of cities / Lewis Mumford -- The metropolis and mental life / Georg Simmel -- Paris : capital of the nineteenth century / Walter Benjamin -- Urbanism as a way of life / Louis Wirth -- pt. 2, Rationality and its discontents : the making of the metropolis in New York City -- New York is not a completed city / Le Corbusiner -- The uses of sidewalks / Jane Jacobs -- Int he forest of symbols : some notes on modernism in New York / Marshall Berman -- pt. 3, Community rediscovered, community reassessed : social bonds in the modern city -- Urbanism and suburbanism as ways of life : a reevaluation of definitions / Herbert J. Gans -- Race, ethnicity and new forms of urban community / Joseph Bensman and Arthur J. Vidich -- Private, parochial and public social orders : the problem of crime and incivility in urban communities / Albert Hunter -- Community becomes uncivilized / Richard Sennett -- City life and difference / Iris Marion Young -- pt. 4, Social relations and public places -- Varieties and vicissitudes of public space / Jeff Weintraub -- Pleasures and costs of urbanity / Michael Walzer -- Street etiquette and street wisdom / Elijah Anderson -- Fortress Los Angeles : the militarization of urban space / Mike Davis -- Reclaiming our public spaces / Fred Siegel -- pt. 5, The future of the city : space, race, class and politics -- Megalopolis unbound / Robert Fishman -- The ghetto, the state and the new capitalist economy / Loic J.D. Wacquant -- Civil society as a polyarchic form : the city / Franco Ferrarotti.

The modern city is the nexus of culture, politics, and art. Despite the manifold problems cities face, more and more Americans are abandoning rural areas and relocating to urban centers. By the year 2000, 4 out of 5 Americans will live within one hour of a major city. What has prompted this emphasis on the city? Chronicling the rise of the modern city, Metropolis draws from the work of such renowned social thinkers as Georg Simmel, Lewis Mumford, Walter Benjamin, Richard Sennett, and Herbert Gans, to illustrate how and why we have come to be an urban society and what the future holds for the American city. Each of the five sections (on modernity and the urban ethos; New York City; community and social bonds in the city; social relations and public places; and the role of space, race, class, and politics in the American city) is prefaced by an introduction by the editor, highlighting the issues under discussion.


0814746403 (pbk.)
9780814746400 (pbk.)


Metropolitan areas.
Sociology, Urban.
City planning.
City Planning
Agglomérations urbaines.
Sociologie urbaine.
urban sociology.
metropolitan areas.
urban planning.
Cities and towns.



Vedettes secondaires:

Kasinitz, Philip, 1957-
Main trends of the modern world.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 89169
Cote: ID HT330.M4; ID:95-B4581
Statut: Disponible


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