Historical atlas of East Central Europe / Paul Robert Magosci ; cartographic design by Geoffrey J. Matthews.
Entrée principale:

Magocsi, Paul R.

Titre et auteur:

Historical atlas of East Central Europe / Paul Robert Magosci ; cartographic design by Geoffrey J. Matthews.


Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1993.


1 atlas (xiii, 218 pages) : color maps ; 31 cm

Covers "the lands between the linguistic frontier of German- and Italian-speaking peoples on the west and the political boundaries of the former Soviet Union on the east ... roughly the territory between 10°E and 35°E longitude ... from about 400 C.E. (common era) to the present"--Introduction.
"Treated in depth are the Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, Romanians, Yugoslav peoples, Albanians, Bulgarians, and Greeks"--Foreword.
"First published in Canada in 1993 by University of Toronto Press"--Page iv.
Covers "the lands between the linguistic frontier of German- and Italian-speaking peoples on the west and the political boundaries of the former Soviet Union on the east ... roughly the territory between 10°E and 35°E longitude ... from about 400 C.E. (common era) to the present"--Introd.
Originally published: Seattle : University of Washington Press, c1993.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 180-185) and index.
Dust jacket.

"For the first time in any language, here is an atlas that covers all of East Central Europe, from the early fifth century through 1992. The atlas encompasses the countries of Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, and Greece. Also included are the eastern part of Germany (historic Mecklenburg, Brandenburg, Prussia, Saxony, and Lusatia), Bavaria, Austria, northeastern Italy (historic Venetia), the lands of historic Poland-Lithuania (present-day Lithuania, Belarus, and Ukraine up to the Dnieper River), Moldova, and western Turkey." "The organization of the atlas is basically chronological. Eighty-nine full-color maps and accompanying text constitute a history of the region. Several maps illustrate the changing political and administrative boundaries of the region at key historical dates and are interspersed with other maps that focus on similar changes within individual countries or specific areas. Thematic maps deal with such subjects as the economy, ecclesiastical structures, education and culture, demography and ethnicity, and military affairs. Numerous tables and lists provide related statistical and demographic material. Especially useful is the detailed index, which includes thousands of variant place names." "The Historical Atlas of East Central Europe will be invaluable to scholars, diplomats, journalists, students, and general readers who wish to have a fuller understanding of this critical area, with its many peoples, languages, and continued political upheaval."--Jacket.




Historical geography.
Europe, Eastern Historical geography Maps.
Europe, Eastern History.
Europe de l'Est Histoire.
Europe East Central Europe Geography, historical Atlases.
Europe Europe centrale de l'Est Géographie historique Atlas.
Eastern Europe.



Vedettes secondaires:

Matthews, Geoffrey J.


Localisation: Bibliothèque study room 81413
Cote: ID DJK11.M3 REF; ID:95-B2678
Statut: Disponible


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