Stroud, Hubert B.
The promise of paradise : recreational and retirement communities in the United States since 1950 / Hubert B. Stroud.
Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995.
xi, 220 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm.
Creating the North American landscape
Since mid-century the mass-merchandising of recreational and retirement communities has mushroomed into a multi-billion dollar industry. But not all such communities have proven successful. Air travelers above the Sunbelt states often see vast tracts of land on which isolated, jigsawlike patterns of roads lead nowhere. And the tongue-in-cheek offer of "land in Florida" has become proverbial for a foolish investment. In the first geographic and environmental analysis of the recreational and retirement community industry in America, Bill Stroud shows how and why certain communities had positive impacts on the surrounding region while others did not. Focusing on well-known developments in Arizona, New Mexico, Florida, Arkansas, and Tennessee, he finds that most developments are poorly planned and designed, resulting in environmental damage, social and economic problems, and overtaxing of public services. Yet Stroud acknowledges that future development is inevitable, as recreational and retirement communities continue to lure urban America with the promise of paradise.
0801849268 (acid-free)
9780801849268 (acid-free)
Retirement communities Economic aspects United States.
Retirement communities United States Planning.
Retirement communities United States Marketing.
Retirement communities Environmental aspects United States.
Villages-retraite Aspect économique États-Unis.
Villages-retraite États-Unis Planification.
Villages-retraite États-Unis Marketing.
Villages-retraite Aspect de l'environnement États-Unis.
Retirement communities Economic aspects.
Retirement communities Environmental aspects.
Retirement communities Marketing.
Retirement communities Planning.
United States.
Urban regions Environment planning
Creating the North American landscape.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 84106
Cote: ID HV1454.2.U6 S7; ID:95-B3423
Statut: Disponible
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