Theories of the digital in architecture / [edited by] Rivka Oxman and Robert Oxman.
Titre et auteur:

Theories of the digital in architecture / [edited by] Rivka Oxman and Robert Oxman.


London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014.


xxvi, 429 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 407-417) and index.
Introduction: Vitruvius Digitalis / Rivka Oxman and Robert Oxman -- Part 1: Theory: A Universe of Discourse / Rivka Oxman and Robert Oxman -- The Orders of the Non-Standard: Towards a Critical Structuralism / Frédéric Migayrou -- Ten Years of Folding / Mario Carpo -- The Seduction of Innovative Geometries / Antoine Picon-- Part 2: Form: From Composition to Generation / Rivka Oxman and Robert Oxman -- Animate Form / Greg Lynn -- Continuity and Rupture / Dennis Shelden and Andrew Witt -- Part 3: Performance/Generation: From Analysis to Informed Synthesis / Rivka Oxman and Robert Oxman -- Computing the Performative / Branko Kolarevic -- Laws of Form / Hugh Whitehead -- Structured Becoming: Evolutionary Processes in Design Engineering / Klaus Bollinger, Manfred Grohmann, and Oliver Tessemann -- Part 4: Parametrics: The Design of Multiplicities / Rivka Oxman and Robert Oxman -- Parametric Patterns /Patrik Schumacher -- How Designers Use Parameters / Rob Woodbury -- Dimensions / Mark Burry -- Part 5: Morphogenesis: Bio-inspired Evolutionary Design / Rivka Oxman and Robert Oxman -- Material Systems, Computational Morphogenesis and Performative Capacity / Achim Menges -- Evolution and Computation / Michael Weinstock -- Part 6: Tectonics: From Form to Material Tectonics / Rivka Oxman and Robert Oxman -- Informed Tectonics in Material-based Design / Rivka Oxman -- The Natural Philosopher as Builder / Martin Kemp -- The Structure of Vagueness / Lars Spuybroek -- Part 7: Materialization: Materialization Processes and Design Technologies / Rivka Oxman and Robert Oxman -- Introduction / SHoP/Sharples, Holden, Pasquarelli -- Materialising Complexity / Fabian Scheurer -- Design Robotics: A New Paradigm in Process-based Design / Martin Bechthold -- Part 8: Material Fabrication: Design Technologies of Digital Materiality / Rivka Oxman and Robert Oxman -- Towards an Extended Performative Materiality – Interactive Complexity and the Control of Space / Jan Willmann, Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler -- Material Ecology / Neri Oxman -- Part 9: Responsive/Dynamic/Adaptive / Rivka Oxman and Robert Oxman -- Toward Responsive Architectures / Philip Beesley, Sachiko Hirosue, Jim Ruxton -- Move That Body: Building Components Are Actors in a Complex Adaptive System / Kas Oosterhuis -- Part 10: Epistemology: Disciplinary Knowledge of Digital Design in Architecture / Rivka Oxman and Robert Oxman --Architectural Geometry as Design Knowledge / Helmut Pottmann -- Parameterize / Casey Reas, Chandler McWilliams, LUST -- Cultural Defence / Mark Burry.

In the form of a critical anthology, this book interlaces an ensemble of seminal articles by leading figures in the theory and practice of digital design with a series of original theoretical texts. It develops a meta-theory of the emerging interactions of media technologies and design in architecture. This theory is promoted as a foundation of transformations in design methods as well as a basis for the evolution of new forms of design thinking. The development of an explication of emerging concepts in the form of a new taxonomy is an important contribution in any form of discourse analysis. Theories of the Digital in Architecture attempts to develop such a conceptual orientation for the growing impact of the integration of digital media technologies in design. It locates these conceptual structures within a historical perspective that identifies the coming into being of a new epistemology of the digital in architecture.


9780415469234 (hbk. ; alk. paper)
0415469236 (hbk. ; alk. paper)
9780415469241 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0415469244 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Arbeitsgruppe Cooperative Arbeitsdidaktik
Architecture Philosophy.
Architectural design Technological innovations.
Architecture Philosophie.
Design architectural Innovations.
architectural theory.
Architecture and Planning.
Digital media.

Vedettes secondaires:

Oxman, Rivka, editor.
Oxman, Robert, editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 292654
Cote: BIB 237033
Statut: Disponible


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