Architecture as a translation of music / edited by Elizabeth Martin.
Titre et auteur:

Architecture as a translation of music / edited by Elizabeth Martin.


New York : Princeton Architectural Press, ©1994.


78 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.


Pamphlet architecture ; 16

Includes bibliographical references (page 75).
y-Condition / Elizabeth Martin -- Le cylindre sonore / Bernhard Leitner -- Synaptic Island : a psybertonal topology / Maryanne Amacher -- Geneva-by-pass / Michael Brewster -- CP8706 exploding sonic test : audio visual big guitar/ Neil Denari -- Sonic space of the long-stringed instrument / Ellen Fullman -- Freeway as instrument / Zeug Design -- Stretto House / Steven Holl -- Grand Center--St. Louis / Studioworks -- Computation and composition ; Breaking the cage / Marcos Novak -- Letters / John Cage -- Perfervid definitions / George Newburn, Peter Noble.

Brings together two widely divergent and seemingly incompatible fields. Elizabeth Martin draws closely on the work of composer John Cage, with whom she corresponded at length, and her study brings together ten projects by musicians and architects that explore the language, philosophy and character of both disciplines. Contains analytical drawings, diagrams, and models of the translation of minimalist music theory into built form. Case studies include buildings by architects Bernhard Leitner, Ellen Fullman, Maryanne Amacher, Neil Denari, Steven Holl, and Mangurian + Ray. Martin also looks at the Vitruvius Program, a five-week experimental workshop for school children to explore spatial ideas of sound, noise, acoustics, melody, and harmony, and construction techniques found in the design of musical instruments. Integral to this program is the Music Animation Machine, an animation software that conveys the information about pitch, timing, and instrumentation in traditional musical notation in a way that can be grasped without musical training. By bringing forward the resonances and overhearing the varied mutations of visual sound and acoustical space imagined and installed, Martin gives sense to the numerous ways music and architecture have mutated and challenged one another, and looks to a future of further reinvention.

Publisher description

1568980124 (paperback)
9781568980126 (paperback)


Architecture Research.
Architecture Philosophy.
Music and architecture.
Architecture Recherche.
Architecture Philosophie.
Musique et architecture.
architectural theory.



Vedettes secondaires:

Martin, Elizabeth, 1962-
Pamphlet architecture ; no. 16.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 91512
Cote: NA2005.A67 1994
Statut: Disponible


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