Anyone Corporation.
Anyone Corporation fonds, 1990-2001.
ca. 4,200 items.
Access by appointment only.
Composed primarily of textual and photographic records which document the activities of the Anyone Corporation over the course of its planned ten year life span from 1990 to 2001.
The non-profit, New York City based organization was founded by Peter Eisenman, Cynthia Davidson, Arata Isozaki, and Ignasi de Solà-Morales Rubio in order to stimulate a fruitful dialogue between architecture and general culture at the dawn of the new millenium. To this end, ANY (acronym for Architecture New York) organised ten international conferences and numerous public seminars, as well as publishing conference journals, a series of architecture related books, and ANY, a theory driven bi-monthly magazine.
Anyone Corporation.
Fonds (collections)
Eisenman, Peter, 1932-
Davidson, Cynthia C.
Isozaki, Arata.
Solà-Morales Rubió, Ignasi, 1942-2001.
Anyone Corporation archive, 1990-2001
Localisation: Bibliothèque archives collection 260977
Cote: AP116
Statut: Disponible
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