Van Dyck 350 / edited by Susan J. Barnes and Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr.
Titre et auteur:

Van Dyck 350 / edited by Susan J. Barnes and Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr.


Washington : National Gallery of Art ; Hanover : Distributed by the University Press of New England, ©1994.


372 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 29 cm


Studies in the history of art, 0091-7338 ; 46. Symposium papers ; 26

"Proceedings of the symposium "Van Dyck 350," sponsored by the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts and the Department of Art History, University of Maryland at College Park, 8-9 February 1991"--Title page verso.
Includes bibliographical references.
Young Anthony: Archival Discoveries Relating to Van Dyck's Early Career / Katlijne van der Stighelen -- Van Dyck's Authorship Excluded: The Sketchbook at Chatsworth / Justus Muller Hofstede -- Van Dyck's Relationship to Rubens / Julius S. Held -- Ritratti di Genovesi di Rubens e di van Dyck: contesto ed identificazioni / Piero Boccardo -- Per una storia del costume genovese nel primo quarto del Seicento / Marzia Cataldi Gallo -- On Some Portraits Painted by Van Dyck in Italy, Mainly in Genoa / Michael Jaffe -- Van Dyck and Virginio Cesarini: A Contribution to the Study of Van Dyck's Roman Sojourns / David Freedberg -- Van Dyck: Some Problems of Attribution / Arnout Balis -- Thoughts on Van Dyck's Early Fame and Influence of Flanders / Hans Vlieghe -- Van Dyck at the Court of Frederik Hendrik / Amy L. Walsh -- Van Dyck and the Caroline Court Poets / Graham Parry -- Van Dyck's Portrait of Lord George Stuart, Seigneur d'Aubigny, and Some Related Works / Malcolm Rogers.
Van Dyck and the Earl of Northumberland: Taste and Collecting in Stuart England / Jeremy Wood -- Anthony van Dyck's Iconography: An Overview of Its Preparation / Joaneath A. Spicer -- Anthony van Dyck: An Afterword.
English and Italian.



Van Dyck, Anthony, 1599-1641 Criticism and interpretation Congresses.
Van Dyck, Anthony, 1599-1641
Van Dyck, Anthony Sir 1599-1641 Criticism and interpretation Congresses


Conference papers and proceedings
Criticism, interpretation, etc.

Vedettes secondaires:

Barnes, Susan J., 1948-
Wheelock, Arthur K., Jr., 1943-
National Gallery of Art (U.S.)
Studies in the history of art (Washington, D.C.) ; 46.
Studies in the history of art (Washington, D.C.). Symposium papers ; 26.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 192465
Cote: ID ND673.D9.B376; ID:97-B3555
Statut: Disponible


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