Enhancing the city : new perspectives for tourism and leisure / Giovanni Maciocco and Silvia Serreli, editors.
Titre et auteur:

Enhancing the city : new perspectives for tourism and leisure / Giovanni Maciocco and Silvia Serreli, editors.


1st ed.


Dordrecht : Springer Verlag, ©2009.


xiv, 369 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm


Urban and landscape perspectives ; v. 6

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Enhancing the City: New Perspectives for Tourism and Leisure / Giovanni Maciocco and Silvia Serreli -- 1. Leisure and Construction of Urban Consciousness -- Places for Leisure: Places for City / Giovanni Maciocco -- Places for Leisure as Interactive Space of the City / Silvia Serreli -- Urban Tourist Precincts as Sites of Play / Bruce Hayllar and Tony Griffin -- Enhancing the City: New Perspectives for Tourism and Leisure -- 2. Authentic Places, Simulacrum Places -- The Tourist City, the Dream and the Reversal of Time / Silvano Tagliagambe -- Disney-ality and Forgetfulness: the Eu-topia of a Consolatory Place / Elena Moreddu -- 3. Creative Places and Cultural Matrices of the City -- Creativity of Places as a Resource for Cultural Tourism / Oliver Frey -- Historico-Cultural Sustainability and Urban Dynamics / Eric de Noronha Vaz and Peter Nijkamp -- 4. Leisure and Privatisation of Public Space -- Spaces of Consumption / Xavier Costa -- Shopping as an Urban Leisure Activity / Laura Lutzoni -- 5. Urban Tourism and Hybrid Spaces -- Questioning the Urban in Urban Tourism / Gregory Ashworth -- The Ambivalent Space(s) of Tourism in Italian Colonial Libya / Brian L. McLaren -- Waterfront Retrieved: Buenos Aires Contrasting Leisure Experience / Agustina Martire -- 6. Urban Populations and Rights of Citizenship -- Which Tourisms? Which Territories? / Arnaldo Cecchini -- Tourist Populations / Daniela Ciaffi and Alfredo Mela -- Tourism and Local Participation: What about the Citizens? / Monica Johansson.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP17.50 0.

Departing from a survey on the post-modern landscapes of tourism, this book explores the transformations the city has undergone and the way it has become a simulacrum offered to tourists, spectacularised with the aim of increasing its capacity for attraction. The experiences dealt with in the papers of authors belonging to different disciplinary fields, emphasise the city's tendencies to create "stage-set contexts" of the private type, be it historic quarters, theme parks or hypermarkets. Issues like aestheticisation, thematisation and genericity are dealt with, conceptual categories that highlight the weak resistance cities put up against the rules of the leisure industry and, more generally speaking, the consumer economy. The book inquires into the capacity of the urban and territorial project to construct a perspective for a public dimension of space. This is linked with ethical action of the project involving an active relationship with places and a capacity to understand the dynamics of different urban populations. In this sense capacity for innovation and creativity can contribute to transforming "islands" of leisure into places of the city and consumers into citizens




Tourism and city planning.
Public spaces.
Tourisme et urbanisme.
Espaces publics.

Vedettes secondaires:

Maciocco, Giovanni, 1946-
Serreli, Silvia.
Urban and landscape perspectives ; v. 6.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 264581
Cote: BIB 196032
Statut: Disponible


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