The fountainheadache : the politics of architect-client relations / Andy Pressman.
Entrée principale:

Pressman, Andy.

Titre et auteur:

The fountainheadache : the politics of architect-client relations / Andy Pressman.


New York : Wiley, ©1995.


xix, 234 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 228-229) and index.
Ch. 1. Domestic Affairs. Conflicts and Closets. "All Great Architecture Leaks" The Sauna and the New Jersey Turnpike. The New Yawkas. Archiphobia! -- Ch. 2. Private Battles in the Public Domain. Fusion of Old and New at the Guggenheim. For the Glory of Washington. Penn Plaza and the Design Review Board -- Ch. 3. Collaboration Versus Compromise. Collaboration at St. Matthew's. The Closest Kind of Collaboration. Contemporary-Traditional in Florida. A Collaborative Ideal. Working with Specialty Consultants -- Ch. 4. Foreign Affairs. Emotion and Ethics in Architecture. A Project Dies Because a Country Disappears. The Hospitable Tunisians -- Ch. 5. Is the Camel a Horse Designed by Committee? The Client of Many Minds. Design with Committees. Institutions, Clients, and Service. Patience Is a Virtue -- Ch. 6. The Politics of Design: Race and Gender. A Black Architect on a Mission. Politically Incorrect in Wichita. Gender, Marketing, and a Client's Faith -- Ch. 7. All About Communication. If They Don't Understand You, You Haven't Said Anything. Treating Clients as Patients. Architects as Great Communicators. Legal Pitfalls of Poor Communication. The Mercurial Client -- Ch. 8. Corporate Politics. The Power Structure. Resolving Profit with Social Responsibility. It's All in a Name -- Ch. 9. All Projects Great and Small. Measure Twice, Cut Once. Less May Actually Be More: The Politics of the Small Project. When Clients Think They're Architects and Other Tales of Woe. Room without a View -- Ch. 10. An Academic Perspective on Architects and Clients. Debate about the Architect's Role -- Future and Present. A Jarring Footnote: The Need to Formally Explore the Architect-Client Relationship.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP32.00 0.

0471309923 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
9780471309925 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Architects and patrons United States.
Architectural practice United States Management.
Architectes et mécènes États-Unis.
Architects and patrons.
Architectural practice Management.
United States.
Architecture Management


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 116694
Cote: ID NA1996.P75; ID:95-B1203
Statut: Disponible


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